Special Education

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Special Education

Special Education


Special education includes identification, evaluation and programs especially for children whose learning difficulties or disadvantages require additional support to reach their full development education. These difficulties can range from physical dysfunction, problems with vision, hearing or language, learning dysfunction (mental handicap), emotional difficulties or behavioral, or medical or health. Other children may have more general difficulties with reading, writing, language or math, so they require extra assistance. Aid for special needs education can be integrated schools or special schools.

The paper will discuss the case of Irfan, the assessment of the case, importance of working together and multi-agency system.

Special Education

It is believed that about 20% of children need some type of special education throughout their schooling. The vast majority of them have problems to be resolved within mainstream schools, only a small minority of specialized educational aids may require, for the most demanding and complex, the existence of media centers and an array of services that ensure that assessment meets the needs of these children. In every school and every class there is a cycle of assessment, planning, teaching and reviewing the needs of all children. These studies generally take into account the wide range of skills, aptitudes and interests that each child brings to school. Most children learn and progress within these local constraints. But those who find difficulty in it may have what is called special educational needs (Florian, 2006).

It is considered that a child has a special difficulty if sample is more difficult to learn than other children their same age, if you have an impairment that prevents or hinders use of educational facilities to a level commensurate with those of the same age in schools in your area and level. In practice, learning difficulties are to be those listed in the first paragraph. The extent of these difficulties affect children's ability to learn and progress in school and be induced by a variety of factors, including school availability, the availability of additional aid and the stage in which the difficulty has been initially identified.

In special education, considered by the National Education as a form of education, resources and ensures that educational services "to ensure school education and promote developing the potential of students who have special educational needs ", evaluation should take on different characteristics, since the proposal is meet the specific needs of each student, with the objective facilitate, guarantee and offer education opportunities for students they do not follow for several reasons, the mainstream school. However, the evaluation of school performance of students with deficiency has been characterized as a complex process due to specifics of their needs and their development, many often very different. The specific characteristics of some neurological symptoms and hinder the educational evaluation establishment of adaptations or adjustments necessary to assure schooling that student. The usual procedure for diagnostic evaluation has not been enough to establish what form of education best suited to meet this clientele and how to assess their potential for learning (Farrell, ...
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