Spanish Impact On American Culture

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Spanish Impact On American Culture

Spanish Impact On American Culture


The cultures in the societies get impact of various factors. The trends and cultures as well as the traditions are changed in the societies because of the emerging of other trends in the societies. In United States, the cultures and trends have greatly influenced by the migration of other people from all over the world. The migration of the people from all around the world in United States has created the mix of cultures and tradition. The most significant influence that is found in the culture of the United States is of the Spanish culture. In United States, there is large population of the Hispanic people who have migrated to United States many years ago. The cultures and the trends of the people of such Hispanic people are commonly found being practiced in the United States.

The census report of 2010 had shown that the Hispanic population in the United States has increased to about 15.5 percent ad it is estimated that by the year 2020, the percentage will further increase by three percent. The census reports have also shown that the rate of growth of the Hispanic population is three times more than the rate of growth of the total population in the United States. The rate of growth is continuously increasing and it is creating direct and significant impact upon the culture of the United States (Ezell, H.K., Gonzales, M.D., & Randolph, E., 2000). The census report has also shown that the average age of the Spanish or Hispanic population in the United States is about 27 years whish shows that the young population is more in United States that belongs to the Spanish cultures (Brice, A., 2002). The statistics of the census also shows that about one third of the United States population is under the age of eighteen. The following section aims at discussing in detail about the history of the Spanish culture in the United States. It will also be discussed in detail that how the Spanish cultures has created the impact upon the cultures of the United States.


The history of the Spanish culture

The history of the Spain is one of the significant histories in the world that involves a lot of aspects. It is commonly said that the history as well as the culture of the Spanish people have assisted the people of United States and the people of other countries to shape the modern societies in today's era. Although the Spain is located in the very small region but it has created its significant impact upon all over the continent (Bedore, L.M., & Leonard, L.B., 2000). The history of Spain tells us that the Spain was developed after the emergence of many civilizations. Before the development and the establishment of the Spain, the civilization of different cultures and trends had passed that shaped the culture and the traditions of the Spain and those cultures are reflected in the Spanish cultures which is further influencing the cultures ...
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