Spanish, Business And Retail

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Spanish, Business and Retail

Spanish, Business and Retail

The Chosen Subject Areas

I have chosen Spanish, Retail, and Business as my three subject areas. All these areas will require some special skills which other disciplines cannot completely provide, for instance, the study of retail will help understanding the interpersonal communication and selling strategies. It will also assist me in my future retail business plans. Secondly, through the discipline of business I will be able to learn the pros and cons of starting and managing a venture. It will require good analytical and decision- making skills. Spanish has helped me in keeping in touch with the own vernacular and take this language to a further step ahead in terms of interacting with people and expanding my networking (Tanya, 2002). Moreover, I have acquired unique set of skills like accounting, Portuguese, leadership, retail, and management; these skills will help me realize my goals of starting a new venture after I leave college.

Contribution of the Subjects to My Goals

Business and retail will facilitate my entrepreneurship knowledge and business management, I intent to start off with a retail business, and for this purpose, the subjects of retail and business will provide me with all ted equate information necessary to understand the business and retailing concepts. Besides, I am originally from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, and I want to expand my area of knowledge in Spanish language and culture. I participate in the students in free enterprise (SIFE) and Metropolitan Tucson Convention and Visitor Bureau program “Vamos a Tucson”, these programs help me interact with people and convey my values to them. The aim of these programs is to help the Tuscan's businesses to make this city a destination for the Mexican visitors through the use of marketing and advertising activities. I have been fortunate that ...
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