Southwest Strategy Implementation

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Southwest Strategy Implementation

Southwest Airline Strategic Implementation


Southwest west has established its name among top rating airlines. The headquarter of the airline is in Dallas Texas. The domestic operations of Southwest airlines are more than 3100 across the America. It has stood as one of the largest operating airlines in USA. The airline is renowned and famous for its low cost fares. Southwest is the only major airline in the United States that has been money-making in each of the last five years.


Mission & Vision Statement

There are two divisions of the mission statement of Southwest airline. The first part is mainly for their customer and other for their employees. They are customer centric and they believe in the customer satisfaction.

Vision statement is a long-term goal. South west airlines had it defined in a very uncomplicated and undemanding way. South west claimed that, they are company of people and not planes. Hence, through customer satisfaction they tend to increase their growth rate in terms of both customer satisfaction as well as capitalizing of profits. They tend to attain success in the long term.

Airline Strategy 2012

International flights to Mexico and the Caribbean set to start operating in the spring 2012. The key market remains North America, where the competition has been stepping up its efforts making it increasingly challenging for Southwest. Southwest is evaluating and implementing projects to enable Southwest and AirTran to offer additional international itineraries. Mexico is an attractive tourism market despite security concerns there, with 18 million trips taken by Americans to this destination in 2010, set to grow to more than 22 million by 2015 (Werner, 2005).

Human Resource Issue

The Southwest Airline can face different kinds of issues related to the global expansions, regarding Human Resource. There could be several issues that have to be addressed by the ...
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