Southwest Airlines

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Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines


South West Airlines is one of the largest and fast growing low cost services provided in US. It goes beyond 48 states and now is launching in San Juan, Puerto Rico ( It aims to provide comfortable rides to the customer which they can avail it in low cost. The friendly environment and the atmosphere will give the customer an unforgettable experience that will make them continue using our services again.

For a business to be successful, it is important for the upper level of management to exercise strategic planning. This will give a clear picture of the organization. All the stakeholders such as customer, employees and investors will be interested in the strategic plan of the organization. The strategic plan should be well coordinated with all the departments so everyone is working towards the same goal.


Importance of Strategic planning

A plan builds up a structure for any organization to follow. It is one of the critical areas where the company has to perform in order to be organized. Strategic planning will help to allocate the resources to the optimum use and will give a clear direction to all that will lead to the achievement of the goal. This will help the organization to work on the competitive advantage making it more competent in the industry (Abraham, 2012, p.6). Planning will also consider the financial need giving it a realistic approach.

Thus strategic planning is creating a framework consisting of decisions and actions which directs the organization in defining itself and focuses on the future of the business.

Southwest Airlines has been successful for the past 33 years producing profits. Due to a good strategic planning, it has been able to consistently grow, provide services at low costs, meeting the expectations of the customer and maximizing the profit.

Mission statement

It is our commitment to provide the best quality services to the customer that will satisfy their needs. Our friendly environment and hospitality delivered will make the customer comfortable.

To employees

Equal employment opportunity for growth will be given with a stable work environment. All of the employees will be treated with respect and care that one deserves. Participation and suggestions of the employees will be appreciated to improve the effectiveness of the company.

A mission statement defines the purpose of the company (Harrison and John, 2009, p.74). It will provide a clear structure thus uniting the employees to work towards it. It also highlights the work culture specifying the rules and regulation that will determine the performance of the employee. A mission statement will maintain the focus and can be used to evaluate the current activities being in the accordance with the mission.

Vision Statement

To be the largest and the most profitable company, in both, short term and long term, by expanding our services in domestic and overseas locations being consistent with low cost. In addition, our airline service will have the most productive and efficient workers which will assure the greatest experience to the passenger.

The mission statement supports the vision statement (Harrison and John, 2009, ...
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