Southwest Airlines

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Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines


Motivation may be defined as a person's desire to achieve something for which he is willing to make an effort. It is one of the most crucial aspects of performance. High performers have the desire and the energy combined in the form of high level of motivation through which they are able to achieve the goals they set for themselves. In other words, employee motivation may be defined as “a reflection of the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs.” In this paper, we will assess what motivation strategies organizations use to keep their employees motivated. We will take reference of Southwest Airlines to describe these motivational strategies.

Southwest Leadership and Policies

Southwest Airlines is the largest airline company in America. Southwest operated approximately 3,400 flights a day and utilizing a fleet of 552 aircraft. This airline was founded in 1967 by Herb Kelleher and Rollin King to offer airline services within the state of Texas. In the early period, Southwest Airlines has experiences a huge loss and financial troubles. The domestic airline industry of USA encountered a decline in late 1990's with a decrease in 72% of overall customer due to air fares in industry. They were facing no growth in industry, during that time. Simultaneously, an intense competition and rivalry was faced by all airline companies. Southwest Airlines (Being 4th largest carrier organization in terms of traffic flown) encountered similar fare wars with narrowing profit margins (Cobbs, Richard & Alex Wolf, 2004). In this state of crisis, Southwest Airline CEO Keller took over in 1981and analyze the major problem of the airlines, he showed his leadership qualities by visiting and listening to the worker, checking maintenance, he stood out through product differentiation and low-cost strategy. He didn't divert, and were more focused was towards their goals and customer satisfaction. They successfully differentiated themselves from their competitors and manage to sustain marginal profitability. In order to assess the motivational strategies of Southwest Airlines, we first need to understand the Maslow's needs Theory.

Maslow's needs Theory

1. Physiological Needs

The basic needs are those necessary for the preservation of life: eating, breathing, sleeping, shelter, water, etc.

2. Protection and Safety Needs

In a society, everyone wants to feel secure and safe for oneself and family. According to the fundamental needs, satisfaction is also required to be secure in terms of respect and esteem among social groups. The examples can be political stability, law and order, etc.

3. Ownership and Social Needs

To survive human needs alliances to keep living within a community. Therefore, being accepted in a society is a need at third level of the hierarchy. Such as family, relationships, work group and affection (Buller & Schuler, 2006).

4. Estimated Needs

It is essential to a man, emotionally, to realize that an item is estimated within the context of interpersonal relationships that are established within the community. Not only it is needed to feel appreciated and respected but also some prestige among the members is ...
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