What forces for change are evident at the Oconomo plant?
Plant transfer involves a series of activities carried out with the aim of incorporating applied knowledge that have been developed at the company to the productive sectors. This function is performed by the top management through concrete actions such as identifying the market potential of technologies and products in the new market, the valuation of the developments generated by the researchers of the company, the industrial protection of inventions, search and negotiations with potential licensees, supporting the integration of plant for optimal transfer, and negotiating and drafting the contracts, including plant transfer and patent licensing. The main forces which want them to transfer of the plant are that they want to reduce or cut the cost.
The support provided by the top management and researchers of the company for the transfer of plant development includes a set of plant management activities which are carried out in order that the licensees have all the information, knowledge and documentation necessary for them to use or exploit commercially licensed the plant developed and / or patents of the company.
These plant management activities are, among others, industrial protection, assessment of technological developments, market studies and business plans, identifying potential licensees, the integration of plant, valuation of plant, the negotiating and drafting plant contracts. In carrying out these activities are working shoulders to shoulder with the researchers of the company.
The top management supports researchers at the company scoping and shaping the plant, i.e. the integrated and documented knowledge and technological knowledge, techniques, methods, tools and specific information about technological developments of the company, once transferred or licensed, will be used by the receiving company personnel for-as the case-assimilation, adaptation, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance.