Sony Cd Player

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Identifying the Product's Supply Chain and Distribution Channels of a Sony Cd Player

Identifying the Product's Supply Chain and Distribution Channels of a Sony Cd Player


Sony to form a region divided into six business areas Sony's core business is electronics business, Game business, finance business, the music business, film business, Others; Japan's first tape recorders and transistor radios and manufacturing expertise, our experience exported abroad in large quantities, electronics companies in the brand world-class image. Sony's strength is also "a strong sub-brand" is to have. In others it simply the product name (trade name) has come out of the range, Sony has a clear-brand presence. Some of the famous brands are VAIO, Walkman, PlayStation, such as having a high-brand value that each alone.

Core business is the oldest electronics beyond the boundaries of business, entertainment areas (music and movies, etc.), which came into force, and has been successful in expanding the business through the deployment of both hardware and software. Also, the game sector, financial (insurance and banking), distribution (Sony Plaza, is now independent of the Sony Group), cosmetics, health foods are also present in such different fields. Sony is also the main shaft and low-priced, do not use the logo of SONY AIWA with the. SONY AIWA was merged, with a subsidiary to handle the original audio products low prices. In addition, the AIWA brand name is 2008 (2008) ended the use of products in May. Sony has always tried to expand its business; and it has achieved many targets which were not, possible with in a time-period.

Distribution channel Of Sony CD player

Distribution channel is the circuit through which the manufacturers (producers) make available to consumers (end users) the products to acquire them. The geographical separation between buyers and sellers and the inability to locate the factory to the consumer call for the distribution (transportation and marketing) of goods and services from their place of manufacture to point of use or consumption (Baitler, 2003, pp.36-40).

The starting point of the distribution channel is the producer. The end point or destination is the consumer. The group of people or organizations that are between producer and end user is intermediaries. In this sense, a channel is formed by a number of companies and / or people who facilitate the movement of the product from reaching the hands of the buyer or user and which are generically called intermediaries. Intermediaries are those who perform the functions of distribution, distribution companies are located between the producer and the end user in most cases are independent of the manufacturer (Barsky, 2001, pp.32-37).

Sony uses direct marketing channel; and it does not have intermediaries which sell their product. Mostly all the marketing, advertising is done by the Sony itself. Main motive of the Sony CD player is to satisfy, customer needs and to satisfy them, for this reason they are doing all the marketing by themselves (Bernstein & Federgruen, 2005, pp.18-29).

This will be clearer by using a flow chart diagrams:

As shown in the flow chart, it is clear ...
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