Sony Case Study

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Sony Case Study

Sony Case Study


In just half a century, from being an engineering research group of ten people Sony Corporation now is one of the largest, complex and best-known companies around. The co-founders of Sony, Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita met while they were serving together in Japan during the World War 2 on their Wartime Research Committee. It was after the war that the pair got together and created Tokyo Telecommunication Engineering Corporation, which repaired radios, and they built shortwave adapters for radios.


Cultural Meanings for Sony

Sony is a company that has been, known to market itself as a product of high quality and with its manufacturers only creating the highest quality products. They have a vision that they want to develop the newest most innovative technology. They are a motivated and creative company that has worked to create technologies such as motion pictures, highest quality sound technologies, a network for after sales services, which are the elements that have, lead Sony to being this successful (Schneider, 2000).

The company has innovation such as High definition cameras and Blue-Rau disks. Unlike other multi nationals, this Tokyo-based company has marketed itself more on a regional basis, focusing on each country's culture, beliefs, background etc. and personalizing the approach instead of using a more global approach. Sony has over fifty country specific websites for different residents of countries to be able to order products of Sony online.

It has been, estimated that by the year 2010 there were over two-thirds people in the world along this age bracket who reside in Asia. The base country for Sony is Tokyo, which already has a strong influence on Asia's culture. Asia's youth magazines that are the most popular are published here and majority of the music for the Asian youth comes from Tokyo. Therefore, Sony's challenge is to grow on a much larger global scale however, not losing focus of the market present at home. The company's advertising campaigns is also, focused on the culture of the country they are, based in. The company is also versatile enough to adopt new technologies, which attracts new consumers (Pinkerton, 2000).

Smaller World and the Marketing Challenges It Brings

The world becoming a smaller place due to easier and quicker modes of communication and being able to cross-large distances at a quicker pace, has benefitted Sony as they are able to increase their customer base and reach out to more people. Sony has over fifty country specific websites for different residents of countries to be able to order products of Sony online (Schneider, 2000).

Sony utilizes the mediums and methods that are now present which make communication and interaction simpler. They can use a more global approach to reach their customers and sell their products to more people. The world becoming a smaller place lessens the diversity making it easier for Sony to market its product. New communication technologies are one of the central elements that have led to globalization because they contribute to the dissemination of knowledge by increasing the ...
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