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Types of Change occurred in Sony

Organizations tend to operate in a continuously changing surrounding. In order to survive, companies tend to comprehend, as well as adapt to all the necessary changes. Adaptation of the organization is regarded as the organizational effort so as to adjust into the environment. Businesses, on the other hand, take numerous shapes during the adapting period in the new environment. The range of organizational adaptation varies from minor changes reflecting in individual employee actions to radical restructuring on the whole of the organization. Many a times, however, companies have the issues of structural inertia), due to which they do not tend not to change the organization structure dramatically, despite changes in the environment. Sony was skeptical of the change because past efforts to transform the company had failed. “We have made promises before, but we failed to execute them” Stringer said.

Stringer was determined to make change a success. A key part of the initiative involved giving Sony's Electronics division central decision making authority over key areas. Previously each unit had its own planning, human resources, finance, and sales functions and operated with considerable autonomy. Stringer believed the new structure would streamline and speed up decision making across Sony's product lines. It would also permit uniform software development across the lines so Sony's products would operate seamlessly with one another. This would, of course, also eliminate design and product redundancies and optimize the firm's Research and Development spending (Ackoff, & Rivett, 1967, pp: 27).

Internal and External Forces

Organizations choose environments after a detailed analysis of the internal, as well as the external factors encompassing the structure of the company. After detailed analyses, researchers at present are f the belief that for the betterment of the organization, the company ought to craft up their own environment and generate new ideas for employee efficiency and effective production. The internal environment of the organization is made up of the elements that are a part of the business, such as current human resource, management of the organization, and especially the corporate culture, clearly defining the behavior of the employee. Even though, some of the factors affect the company over all, however, there are many factors when collaborated with one another affect the organization. Organizations choose environments after a detailed analysis of the internal, as well as the external factors encompassing the structure of the company. After detailed analyses, researchers at present are f the belief that for the betterment of the organization, the company ought to craft up their own environment and generate new ideas for employee efficiency and effective production.

A key part of the initiative involved giving Sony's Electronics division central decision making authority over key areas. Previously each unit had its own planning, human resources, finance, and sales functions and operated with considerable autonomy. Stringer believed the new structure would streamline and speed up decision making across Sony's product lines. It would also permit uniform software development across the lines so Sony's products would operate ...
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