Solution Paper - The Societal Issue Of Same Sex Marriage

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Solution Paper - The Societal Issue of Same Sex Marriage


All citizens of different sexual orientation have the same rights as the general population of the country. The right to life, property, freedom of speech, education, citizenship, work and free choice of employment, peaceful assembly and association, recreation and leisure, the right not to be tried twice for a single offense and the presumption of innocence, and so on. All rights protect them equivalent to other people. As the right to marry someone of the opposite gender and found a family. These rights belong to humanity and made to international and local laws. They form the basis of the laws of all countries. But homosexual activists are trying to achieve a new special rights, which must be specially tightened, tailored to their lifestyle. They are looking for a special privileged status in the law. And as soon as someone does not agree with their radical approach, they begin to aggressively claim that they are discriminated against. This discussion will shed light on the raging societal issue of same sex marriages.

Discussion & Analyses of Problem

As soon as society endorses and legitimizes a certain pattern of behavior, the future generation will inevitably take such behavior as acceptable. When homosexual unions are recognized as Braque, equivalent to traditional, it gives a signal to society and future generations, that the homosexual lifestyle is equal moral status with traditional marriage (Becker & Scheufele). If society is to fail to protect the definition of marriage as the voluntary union of one man and one woman, are excluded from the rest of the people themselves, and begins to change the definition to include other models of human relations, it allows other cultures and ideologies crush the meaning of marriage.

At the same time, the authoritative agency Reuters wrote about the AIDS epidemic among homosexual men in France is out of control and the health system does not know what to do. French national institute of health noted that men who have homosexual lifestyle are subject to 200 times greater risk of contracting AIDS and prematurely die a horrible death. These figures come from official government statistics, the countries where the health system is one of the best in the world (Case & Stewart). The Liberals are trying to argue that the problem of AIDS and a high mortality rate among homosexuals comes from a lack of legalized marriage. They argue that if same-sex couples will be able to organize themselves legalized marriage, AIDS will disappear, because they are faithful to one partner for life. Life shows the opposite. Countries where same-sex marriage is allowed by law and the homosexual lifestyle is accepted by society as a whole, show that the statistics of AIDS did not change. This proves that the problem is in the way of life.

Recommendation of Solutions

The legalization of same-sex marriage has no practical meaning. This is an empty political step in the pursuit of earning points among those who are obsessed with societal engineering. Liberal politicians and ...