Solution Focused Brief Family Therapy

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Solution Focused Brief Family Therapy

Solution Focused Brief Family Therapy


Solution Focused Brief Family Therapy is also called family counseling. It is a branch of psychotherapy which deals with families and couples in intimate relationships to develop and groom the relation. The intention of family counseling is to capture change in terms of the systems of communication among the family members. The relationships are recognized as the important factor in psychological health.

There is different school of thoughts regarding family counseling. One thing is common among all that either the issue is with individual or with family; involving families in the issue are beneficial. The role of the family counselor is very important because he should have the ability to influence individual or groups from his conversations.

The approach of family counseling has been used in a variety of human dilemmas. There is no relationship in which the approach of counseling could not work effectively. (Capuzzi& Gross, 2003)

History and Leading Figures

In the past, this sort of interventions was done by the members of societies like priest, physician etc. But the intervention is common as it is needed within relationships which are having problems. As a separate professional practice, Family counseling has its origins in the social work movements in 19th Century (Corey, 2000). Western cultures evolve it which includes England and United States. In later 20th century, it has been evolved as a branch of psychotherapy with the emergence of child guidance movement and marriage counseling. The official work was started by the American Association of Marriage Counselors in 1942. (Mobley, 2005)

John Bowlby from England, John Bell, Christian Midelfort, Nathan Ackerman, Theodore lids, Lyman Wynne, Carl Whitaker, Murray Brown, Virginia Satir from U.S. started to observe family members together and started conducting counseling sessions. In the beginning, the influence from psychoanalysis and social psychiatry was strong. Later, clinicians started to take behavior therapy and learning theory in function. They started to formulate various theories about the functioning of family as an entity that was more than a simple collection of individuals. (Goldenberg, & Goldenberg, 2010)

Development of Theory

The psychoanalytically oriented family therapy

It was all through before N. Ackermann, J. Framo, I. Böszörményi-Nagy. M. Bowen, L. Wynne and Germany represented by Helm Stierlin. The Mailändergruppe to Mara Palazzoli Selvini includes in its beginnings in this direction (Kottler, 2001). Well known keywords that direction are the dynamics of binding and expulsion, the delegations of reconciliation dialogue, invisible loyalties between the generations and related individuation. The ideas and techniques are different conceptions question and work with the genogram also today in the Famlientherapie and systemic treatment finds them. Furthermore, due to the psychoanalytically oriented family therapy of credit that a return to the person (versus system), thus the person-centered system theory and practice, now becoming more important again. (Capuzzi& Gross, 2003)

Family Counseling techniques and ideas

There are following techniques which have been proved useful with couples and families in changing their relations in a better way. The techniques are not the cure but the methods which may improve the ...
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