Soft Systems Method

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Soft Systems Method

Soft Systems Method

Soft System Methodology

The methodology of Soft Systems refers to a perspective to investigate into the situations of problems that are considered to be present in the real world (Check land and Scholes, 1990:18). This method originally initiates with the field of Systems Engineering, but it has now departed into the 'soft' systems thinking from the conventional "hard" systems thinking. Thus, the information system development and SSM and pertains to the formulation and development of a framework that does not lead or force the systems analyst towards a specific 'solution', but instead it provides them with the understanding (Wilson, 1992).

Hard and Soft System Approaches

The soft system problems can be managed through the engineering approach along with the fuzzy requirements. The soft systems approaches or the soft methodology is formed on the assumption that the problems related to the organizations are poorly defined or messy and the organizations' stakeholders have a very differing interpretation of these problems. The important human factors involved in this approach include the intuitive, creative approach for the solutions of problems. This makes the outcomes appear in the form of better learning and understanding instead of the provision of solutions (Checkland, Peter & Poulter, 2006).

The approaches of hard systems approaches involving the structured methods and system analysis, operations research, and the systems engineering make the assumption that the problems to be solved are well-defined and elaborated. Technical factors are kept first and foremost and the scientific approach be adopted for the purpose of problem-solving and is an ideal solution. This system engages a more conventional perspective of the viewing the systems in the perspective of composter science.

Distance Learning through Soft System Method

In the given case, the University has for some years encouraged staff and students to move towards distance learning (DL) ...
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