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Trying to escape would be a bad thing for Socrates. He will remain in prison to remain virtuous. "The final was a sovereign authority" The rule that a verdict should be executed is the foundation of the whole system of laws. As a result, anyone who tries to violate this rule seeks to destroy the whole system of laws. If Socrates escapes; he becomes a corrupter of the laws. "A corrupter of the laws is likely to pass as a corrupter of young people." However, this is unfair criticism of Socrates. In escaping, he would make just an unjust conviction and would only have to go back to jail. Subtitles on duty, Cerrito shows that the laws will only tolerate two behaviors towards them: obedience (because they are guardians of the city) or persuasion (if they do not behave like must).

The fate of Socrates, in contrast to the fate of many other philosophers, is quite dramatic and cinematic. It is strange that he has not yet become the hero of various artistic. However, one film made ??a memorable era of restructuring is still there. Instead, the latter generally has to be military commander Lysander, who took Athens, but with the king to talk to Socrates as something symbolic (Kamtekar, 10-29). Pupils are shown a bunch of intellectual symposia as there are none, although examples of Socratic dialectic and wit there. Superimposed on top of the story of Socrates comments that he seems to give somewhere to Emporium. In general, the slow progress of nearly two-hour picture of boredom is not only a surprise in the final. Here's to Socrates, after accusations put a crown of thorns and he silently stands in the middle of the crowd noisy people, here Socrates refuses to escape from prison, raising his eyes to heaven and ...
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