Sociology Of Health

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Sociology of Health

Table of Contents


Two complementary models in medicine3

Biomedical Model4

The Bio Psychosocial Model6

Development and Intervention in Medicine and Health Care System11



Sociology of Health



The WHO (2012) defines health as, “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Taken to include in the definition of health three components:

Biological health (or physical health) of self-perfection of the body and the maximum adaptation to the environment;

Mental health is the state of total peace of mind, ensuring adequate behavioral responses. But, to some extent, to include mental health and mental health: a system of values, attitudes and motives of the individual in society;

Mental health is a measure of social activity, work capacity, as a form of active attitude to the world.


The WHO (2012)define that “Illness is a vital activity, as expressed in the change of function, as well as - in violation of the structure of organs and tissues, and occurs under the influence of extreme stimuli to the organism external and internal environment of an organism”.

Factors influence the Health and Illness

Our life is constantly under the influence of risks and circumstances that may endanger our state of well being. Some factor are discussed below:

Heredity / Genetics

It refers to the transfer of biological characteristics from parent to child. This factor may cause a genetic predisposition to a disease. Commonly it is not controllable by humans. This means that sooner or later, the individual shall suffer the condition that was predisposed by genes from their parents. The diseases can be inherited include mental disturbances , infectious diseases, coronary heart disease (coronary artery disease of the heart), diabetes mellitus or saccharin (inadequate production or utilization of insulin, manifested by hyperglycemia), hemophilia ( absence of blood coagulation, as evidenced by bleeding), sickle cell disease (abnormal red blood cells / patients), among others. Today, scientific research is directed towards the elimination of genetic diseases through genetic engineering, genetic counseling and health education. This factor comprises 16% of what determines the level of health of an individual.


The environmental factors that represents all external element to the human body, which surrounds or intersects with the individual. The environment may be physical, ecological, biological and socio-cultural. The physical environment includes the ecological conditions of weather and climate, seasons, housing, land / soil, sanitation, water, electricity, food SUPPLIES, drugs, radiation, clean or polluted air, recreational facilities, cars, hospitals, solar and school buildings, among others. On the other hand, biological factors account for all the things that have life, such as fauna (animals), flora (plants), other people, germs, disease vectors, reservoirs, disease agents, among others. Finally, sociological and cultural factors are those created solely by humans. Understand the social interactions between people. This includes overcrowding, housing quality, working conditions and social security, affection, communication, health care, work, progress, wealth distribution, among others. The cultural factor represents those cultural patterns in a given time and place. It is the pattern of life that continues from generation to generation, ...
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