Sociology Concepts

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Sociology Concepts

Sociology Concepts

Auguste Comte


Positivism is a philosophy that that is based on the views of natural and social science. Information in positivism is derived from mathematical and logical treatments of data and through sensory experience.

Efficient Cause

Efficient cause is basically the things that are apart from the things or movements that does not change, but they contribute towards the agency of the changes made.


Empiricism basically refers to a knowledge theory that states that knowledge is primarily obtained from sensory experience.


Enlightenment basically refers to a movement of philosophy that involved that the previous doctrines should include reasons to be confirmed and scrutinized, and enlightenment also gave rise to various humanitarian reforms.


Teleology is an account of philosophy that defines the existence of the final cause in nature, and the nature of humans is also inherent in nature.

Methodological Individualism

Methodological individualism is basically a theory that the intentional states that motivate individuals to act in a certain way is the best way to explain the social phenomena.

Before Sociology

State of Nature

The state of nature refers to an aspect that is used in political philosophy to define the condition that existed before a particular government; it also identifies the potential reasons of entering the state and other related aspects.

Social Contract

A social contract simply refers to a model in political philosophy that addresses the important aspects of the origin of a society along with the identification of the authority of a particular state over its citizens.

General Will

General Will basically refers to the collective will of the entire community of individuals within a state, which also describes the common interest of the people.

Will of All

Will of all is a concept that defines the total of what every individual in the society wants or desires for him alone, without taking into consideration the interest of others in the society.

Invisible Hand

The invisible hand is a concept of economy that was evolved by Adam Smith to address the self regulatory aspect of the market.

Sympathies and Moral Sentiments

Sympathies or moral sentiments are an aspect of a relationship between particular things or people in which the affect that is experienced by one, also affects the other correspondingly.


Democracy vs Aristocracy

Democracy is a type of government where equality of men is the fundamental principle. It also takes into account the law of the state and the fundamental law of nature. On the other hand, preference for nobler is the principle of aristocracy. Aristocracy aims to find the basis of all political order in the differences between humans in the society.


Equality in society refers to the correspondence or the similarity in certain aspects among the people or group of people residing in a society.

Self-Interest Rightly Understood

According to Tocqueville, self interest is made correctly understood to people that working for the god of others and forgetting oneself without hoping for any reward. Further, the essence of this concept is that the true meaning of self interest is to be right and virtuous to all.

Social State

A social state refers to a governmental concept in which the state ...
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