Sociology And Me

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Sociology and Me

Sociology and Me


This paper discusses the information and a social background. The aim is to focus and find out how the sociology and influence the social and psychological life of a person, either directly or indirectly. First part describes Direct Influences and Interactions with Direct Influences. It relates to Socialization, Groups, Deviance, Social institutions that encompass many areas and factors like Families, Education, Religion, and Economy. Second part elaborates the interaction with indirect institutions and forces. It defines Socialization, inequality, aging, social institutions - like Education, Politics, Family, Economy. In the third part, it defines the global factors that can influence a person. This part will include Culture, Population and Urbanization, Stratification, Social Change.


Direct Influences and Interactions with Direct Influences (Socialization, Groups, Deviance, Social Institutions - Families, Education, Religion, Economy)

a)Your Family of Origin

i.Primary caretakers

I belong to a middle class family, and my primary caretakers have always been my parents. That is my father and my mother.

ii.Parenting style

My parents always had authoritarian and authoritative style of parenting. I always followed their instructions, and I always helped my mother with her work at home.

iii.Rank in the family's birth order

I rank myself in the middle. I have four elder brother and two brothers and two sisters younger than me. I have been close to my family as they are taught in the family as the family norms.

iv.Being adopted

I was not adopted. I have always lived with my true parents.

b)Your School and Your Teachers

i.Type of school - public or private

I attended a private school. I did not belong to a wealthy family, so me and all my family members always attended a public school.

ii.Uniforms or dress code in school

There was no dress code or uniform in the school I attended. I always used to go in ma casual dresses that I used to wear at ma home.

iii.Involvement with clubs and organizations

I was never involved withes clubs and organization in ma school. Neither had I used to participate in these kinds of activities.

iv.Status as a student

I have always been an average studies. I was neither a book worm nor a dull one.

v.Disciplinary action taken against at school

A very little amount of disciplinary actions were taken against me in the school. There were not many complaints against me from my school. I was calm to be targeted for disciplinary actions.

vi.“Labeled” at school

I was never labeled in school.

vii.Graduate from high school or get a GED

I dropped out of school in the ninth grade. Then I got married. I received my GED after I was married.

viii.PTA or PTO meetings in school

My mother tried to go to the PTA my mother could read a little, so she could not mange to go, and ma father could not read or write at all, so they were not so active with PTA or PTO meetings in school. Similarly, parents never participated with my activities. They were too busy to do this.

c)Your Peer Group

i.Close friends and interaction with them

I have always lived in the public housing, so there were always ...
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