Sociology A Brief Introduction

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Sociology A Brief Introduction

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Sociology A Brief Introduction

This document presents a summary of four chapters from the book "a brief introduction to sociology, the eighth edition of" written by Richard T. Schaefer figures chosen in this book are the summaries about: Social interaction, groups and social structure, the figure is more than two: the mass media, Chapter three is over: the abnormality and social control, and stratification and social mobility in the United States (Kerbo, 1996).

Social interaction, groups and social structure

In this chapter the author stresses that the social structure is a term used to refer to the social sciences, patterned social arrangements, which are the whole of society, and to decide, to some varying degree of activities for individuals socialized in that structure. The concept of "social structure" varies from sociology (Grusky, 2008). On the macro scale, it can refer to a system of socio-economic stratification (egg a lesson), social institutions, and other patterned relations of large social groups. Is a meson-scale, it can refer to the structure of a social network of relations of private individuals or organizations. Is the micro, it may suggest how norms shape the behavior of actors in the social system.

These meanings are not always kept separate. Marxist sociology has also been a mixture of different meanings of the social structure, even though it has done so simply by addressing the social fabric of culture, its economic epiphenomena (Grusky, 2008). On the other hand the author argues that social interaction refers to the ratio of two (i.e. the dyad), three (or trio) or more persons (egg, social group). Social relationships, can be a single agency, constitute the social fabric (Kerbo, 1996). In this sense, social relations are always a fundamental objective of the analysis of social scientists. Basic rights studies the nature of social relations is the work of classical sociologists, Max Weber, for example, the theory of social activities (Kerb, 1996). In addition, the group has set up an abstract, in order to make comments and social research, such as Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (lit. "The Community and Society") or "collective consciousness" (Grusky, 2008).

Mass Media

This chapter focuses on the mass media; this author tells the reader that the media are a major force of modern culture, especially in America. Sociologists suggest this is mediated by culture, in which the media reflects and creates culture (Blanden, 2005). Communities and individuals are ...
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