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This paper intends to complete the task that requires analyzing the situation where zombies' apocalypse has taken over the entire place and there are some survivors including me. Therefore, the major focus of this paper is to make a government in order to keep this world going in an appropriate order, while also protecting the world from zombies. For this purpose, the two aspects chosen from the given options are defense and health/human services on which the newly formed government shall focus the most.


Many examples are seen that serves as evidence that zombies are taking over. The invasion has already begun. They appeared in Miami, where a man was found undressed, devouring the victim's face. When bystanders tried to intervene, the creature would merely turn around and start growling. Then, another outbreak was reported in Texas, where a mother is accused of killing her baby before eating his brain. The epidemic then spread to Maryland, where a student has confessed to killing a man in order to devour the heart and part of the brain (

Similarly, in New Jersey, a man was overpowered by police after stabbing himself fifty times and took out his own intestines and threw at police officer's face. According to some witnesses, he had a strange behavior and an approach similar to that of a zombie. After the case of Miami, such cases of undead tributary started to appear (

Thus after witnessing such incidents, we shall assume there are only a few survivors left who must work on forming a government in order to take control over the world that keeps the world going normally or at least a part of the world. Thus, one of the two aspects on which government shall focus on defense. Since, these zombies are flesh eating maniacs, thus they need to be eradicated from the face of this earth. Considering the fact that earth has been taken over by them, it is essential that these zombies are killed. For this purpose government must be defensive. Further, another aspect that government shall focus on is heath/human services, because these zombies are causing too many disasters in the society. However, this requires the government to ensure the safety and good health of the survivors living.

For some incidents, there is no longer any doubt about the presence of zombies. The horrible news items are the sign that began "Zombie Apocalypse" end of ...
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