Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth; this popular phrase has lost its true meaning, and it is more of a cliché, to me. Marriages may be made in heaven, but they get destroyed on earth. Marriage is a commitment between two people with different personalities, attributes, attitudes, aptitudes, perceptions, behaviors and a distinctive frame of mind. Commitment shapes itself into a compromise and this compromise is of understanding and deliverance of priorities to one another.
Love and romance had always been the source for inspiration throughout the history of the world. This four letter word that come between the life of two people change the tendency of respect, honesty, priority, loyalty, patience and many more things within the nature of a human (Broude, 1987).
I am with the prospect that there is no such thing as love; the only thing is the sense of attachment between two people, which gets defined as love. The attachment can be defined as the sincerity level among two people, where one person knows that the other person would be there to listen, and regard him for his being.
Love marriages have received the advancement through the culture. The concept of falling in love is more of a Hollywood invention. It is a natural phenomenon that every human, man or women, finds warmth and affection in the opposite sex. However, real life is not a 3 hour motion picture, where events and circumstance got predefined to perfection. There are bitter realities to face, tougher roads to travel and longer ways to go (Jankowiak, 1995).
What routinely happen in love marriages is a boy and a girl get introduced to one another for a short time, with limited sense of responsibility and maturity of thoughts. They get obsessed with the presence of each other and find themselves deeply in love. Unaware of their different personalities, likes, dislike and nature, they plan to lead their lives together. The fact is love is at its best at the start of a relationship (Broude, 2003).
The love gets fantasized by the people, and people normally do not take into the considerations that are being practical. It is believe that love is a poor basis for marriage as people who tend to live together, ultimately get attached to each other and when they develop the habit of each other love develops on the own. We can consider the example of our parents or grand-parents. When a child is born and dies within a day or two, only mother or father or both, are the one who feels the pain of losing, whereas the grandparents or relatives do not go through that trauma of losing the baby. If the bay is born and lives for 15 years, people develop a sense of attachment with it. Grand-parents have own association with baby, relatives regard with different attributes, and on the whole, the baby develops the love relationship within the ...