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The area of sociology has been a major interest of studies conducted in the past. We will also be addressing that how sociological theories can be applied to our personal lives. As a result, the essay will aim to understand the concept of sociology, sociological theories proposed by different authors, and how these theories are related to personal lives.

The topic is important for social workers as they have a strong desire to help improve lives of people. Social workers help people to confront and resolve the problems of everyday life such as family and personal problems and relationship issues. Therefore, it is important for them to understand the concept of sociology and factors that can impact on the life chances, experiences and opportunities.

In this essay, we will first be addressing the concept of sociology with different theories that are developed by sociologists. In addition to that, we will be discussing the significant social factors that can have a major influence on the life chances, experiences, and opportunities. It will be explained with the help of an example. Further, a concluding statement will be discussed at the end of the essay emphasizing on the need and practices of social workers.

Part I

Sociology is the study of the formation and functioning of society. It is, in a more precise meaning, and contemporary, said to be the science that aims at the study of human relations, employing, systemized the observation, empirical verification, the theory, and reason. It is said that the function of the sociologist is a descriptive one as against to a prescriptive (Gerth et al. 1958: 25). However, Sociologists have developed centre principles about the interactions of communal structure, data, proficiency to punish or pay, and trust that frequently recur in investigates of political, financial and other institutions (Etzioni 2005: 158). We will be analyzing the approach of down-to-earth by James Henslin to understand the concept of sociology in terms of social factors that can affect the human life. The approach proposed by James Henslin is discussed below in detail:

Interpretive Sociology of Max Weber

This theory was conceived by the German Max Weber (1864-1920). It is useful to keep in mind the fact that Weber believed that the natural sciences and social sciences are completely different. Therefore, concentrated its efforts on creating a sociological theory, based on the most significant views of both, exceed the alleged incompatibility between the aforementioned social sciences and natural sciences. The sociology of Max Weber is also known as comprehensive sociology, because, according to the author, the optimal level of understanding of social phenomena is achieved, provided that such understanding is adequate. This statement is derived with at least two fundamental questions (Giddens 2001: 18):

What is the proper causal understanding?

What is the proper and meaningful understanding?

For Weber, the adequate causality is simply the probability that an event is the antecedent of another, and thus it can be established in generalization (in the sense that it is likely to present the same ...
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