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Race, Ethnicity and Migration

Race, Ethnicity and Migration


Race, mores and immigration have originated a deep-seated implication into the social order. The ability to control people's thoughts about race, ethnicity or migration has been moulded from the human classification system. Race has significantly imprinted its historical mark as the division of humanity through the categorisation of phenotype characteristics. The criterion which defines this human classification are; the reflection of race as a biological foundation, the sharing of genetic entities whether that be one or many generations, traces of geographic origin and physical phenotypes (Michael, 2008). This distinction has formulated through the development of science as a biological concept.


Race, Ethnicity and Migration

Over the time, the term race has turn out to be a derogatory term and has allowed ethnic minorities to suffer through times of enslavement and genocide due to the imprint of culture from past generations. Unfortunately, acknowledgment to minority cultural beliefs is slowly being diminished by politics and society. Sociologists Bhikhu Parekh explores the theory of a multicultural society and how race contributes to politics and the regrettable views of certain parties. Conservatives in Britain rejects the idea of multiculturalism because they believe 'minorities should assimilate their own beliefs into the British society and only adopt those that 'do not impede with the unification of British society (Parekh, 2003). However, this theory in practise cannot be accomplished as sub-cultural diversities will always exist as long as people read international news or even travel. Moreover, culture holds strong bonds and dictates behaviours therefore, being able to overturn such practices is to some extend impossible as well as racist. Even though many people accept multiculturalism, whereas some do not and it has led to disheartening situations of crime towards small groups on the basis of one's skin colour.

More subconsciously, the design of social stratification has become the ultimate structure to display the inequalities of race in a discriminatory manner as class levels in society show how those of white heritage have greater advantages in seeking a more luxurious lifestyle. By introducing barriers such as paying for education can cause deterrence for those who feel unable to upkeep the costs leading to a greater divide in society.

In regards to the issue of social divide and sub cultures, these are usual exploited within the media greatly with negativity. Racism acts as a chameleon to subliminally create associations of certain acts with particular races (Law, 2012, p.194). Alongside, the growing ideologies that flow through the media society then formulates stereotypes which in most cases relate to crime for example, theft for actual bodily harm (ABH) to those minorities. Therefore, these subjections in the media spread into the eye of the law dismissing any possibility of anyone being able to commit a crime but assuming and profiling a certain character bearing one's skin colour to be a great significance when investigating crimes and even leading to misjudgements purely due to the inability to pass the surface of a human ...
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