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Leadership in Organizational Culture

Leadership in Organizational Culture


In the immense competition being faced by organizations in the modern world, they need to be very proactive and careful in choosing leaders for the organization's success and accomplishment. We shall discuss in the following content the significance of leadership and how it relates to organizational culture (Wren & Bendein, 2009). Management and employees both are the entities in an organization that will either make it win or lose. Communication, drive, authority and politics are some concepts that will make a business lead to success or failure. Businesses must be extremely competitive to survive; otherwise these same businesses shall end up nowhere. It is highly significant that leaders work together and carry out tasks as synced with the organization's culture.


Leadership in Context of Organizational Culture

Cultural differences definitely manipulate leadership theory and practice, but the basic leadership functions remain the same, no matter the leaders perform those functions in their own ways according to their cultural context.

Leadership is an approach in which people manipulate others. But how they would influence others and how others will accept that influence totally differs through culture. As might be expected, the effectiveness of specific influence tactics varies by culture as well. While one might effectively influence people in many cultures by using rational persuasion and by collaboration and consultation, other cultures might be influenced more effectively through common tactics such as gift-giving, socializing and pressure exertion.

Leader Enacting a Sub-culture in the Organizational Culture

An organization may have various cultures or subcultures being practiced in it. Identifying the cultural unit is extremely important to understand what type of culture exists in the organization.

The culture of an organization can be made and even transformed by people. It can also be made and maintained by the leadership of the organization. Leaders are the ...
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