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This article analyzes the main social changes that have affected the image of the body in contemporary culture. Under the perspective of diversity, number of issues of growing interest in the social sciences in the social uses of the body as an object consumption and both sign and body language. Also considers the con- social controversy about the future of the bodies, to explore the role of science and technology in the new concepts about the body, life and Death. The interest of this work is to recognize the profound nature of the interconnections between social life and body and the "socialization of nature 


Nature and culture

First, we must clarify the intellectual distance between natural Leza and culture in sociology. While socio-biology considers the body to "pre-social biological basis and which are based on superstructures on self and society "(Ch. Shilling, 1993: 41), constructivists as Douglas, Foucault, Goffman and Turner take the body as that belong- necessary to culture and not a biological identity. From this perspective, the culturally body is performed everywhere, therefore, biology is not excluded from the culture, but is within it. The assumption that biology does not belong to the culture was for a long time, one of the reasons why social theorists neglected the body as objective to study. It is important to know why classical social theory neglected and repressed the body. Turner (1994) offers two reasons for academic neglect monkey's body. First, social theory Cartesian dualism inherited not giving priority to the mind and its properties conscience and reason on properties of emotion and passion. In turn, classical sociology ten- explanations given to avoid the social world that took into account the body human, focusing on the human actor as a creator of signs and Siegfried. The sociological concern for historicity and social order in modern societies did not seem to involve the body except in the questions onto logical. Sociology has been concerned with the self and society or its structure rather than nature-culture. The other reason for the neglect of the body it is treated as a natural phenomenon, not social and therefore not as a legitimate subject for sociological research.

The history and anthropology have influenced especially in the legitimacy the body as an object of social study. The body has a story and it has helped support the body as a primary object of social theory, in this sense have worked Elias (1988), Feher and others (1991), Laquer and Gallagher (1987), Laquer and Bourgois (1992) and Sennett (1997), representatives of the schools Anglo-Saxon. Norbert Elias (1988) points out the ways in which our commonalities and our modern understanding of body experiences are historically arise from specific social and psychological processes that go back to century. Examines how historical developments such as the centralization increasing power in the hands of a smaller number of gentlemen with the emergence of aristocratic and royal courts, served to stop the violence between people and groups and encourage more social control over the emotions and a greater awareness of oneself as an "individual" in a ...
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