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Personal Statement

Personal Statement


I was raised by bad influences my whole life. Dad left when I was nine, after that, mom's druggie boyfriends raised me. I have spent my whole life poor and I am used to doing without a lot of things. There is always something good that comes out of stuff like that, and that is a very positive attitude, full of perseverance. When it comes to work experiences, I have had more jobs than an average teen. At one point in my life I believed that if I did not have an education then at least I would have the work experience. I learned real quickly that need to acquire both work experience and a good education to succeed in life.

My career goals have been changing ever since I could walk. A couple of years ago I decided to be a cop. I was tired of looking at people around me messing up their lives, and what better way to make a change, then to actually become a cop. I took into consideration the great benefits and if it's something I could do the rest of my life and it is. I have had to overcome many of hardships in my life. I have been abused and neglected as a kid. I have been to a juvenile detention center, out of school and homeless as a teenager, in and out of my family's homes. What has given me the most strength was going to the juvenile detention center. I was in there for something I did not do. My mom and her boyfriend both lied to the cops. I had to spend three months, which felt like forever. It was not all that bad looking back, I actually felt like a better person when I got out. I started ...
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