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Equal terms - Equal pay

Equal terms - Equal pay


Equal Treatment & Same Treatment

Equal treatment and the same treatment both are different terms. Let's have a look at the history for understanding this term; one of the achievements of French Revolution includes giving of single status to the citizen among all citizens for providing the equal rights. The equal and the same treatment were defined in the context of the Law. (BURSTEIN, P. 1994). According to this one can have an idea that equal treatment means treating the other in a same way without any giving special dignity. For example In US, the exemption of slavery took place with an idea of giving the common citizenship. To, put this thing in a nutshell it defines that every person should be given an equal treatment and protection under the law. Recently this idea of giving the equal treatment means the same treatment has been very debatable. A common focal point is that the concept of equal and the same treatment is basically a formula for treating person unequal. Due to this it results in failure of way in which law treat and applies to everybody same. It impacts negatively especially minority culture and religion groups. A standard law perceived as a blindfold, this blindfold defines that the law does not care and take account of differences among people; the law treat every person equally and gives decisions. I would argue here that basic dispute is among the members of the politics. Treating people equally means treating them in a same way; it is the general concept. Sometimes rules can be set for supporting discrimination among people, and it's not limited to the cultural or religion sometimes setting of rule in organization creates the discrimination among two genders. It's a problem of many organizations that they set a rule in their policy supporting the same and equal treatment but in reality things are not same, and it results in the discrimination among males and females. In an organization, a dispute arises when there is no equal treatment and one is facing discrimination with regard of pay. For example both genders are performing the same work duties and equally responsible for their work, but the pay is different this phenomenon of discrimination creates issues. This discrimination creates the difference among the equal and the same treatment.

What is like work'?

The term like work or the same work means a work or a job which is similar in nature, Whereas differences can be seen and I will try to justify these in my essay, General perception is that the job which is similar in nature need, should have a same pay, without any consideration that either the job duties are performed by man, or the woman, by white or by the one whose ethnic background is different, or by the person who is disable or person without any disability. These are the factors which are essential while treating the employee in a same manner by giving them ...
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