Sociological Imagination

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Sociological Imagination on everyday situation

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Sociological Imagination on everyday situation

Social Structure: A Guide to Everyday Living

Social structure is any somewhat rational convention of communal behaviour. Members of a given society live their lives within a social structure (Macionis 2006, pp. 135-140). People rely on these stable patterns of interaction to make sense of their lives. As an example, when people encounter a different social structure and different patterns of behaviour, everyday social activities become disorienting (Macionis 2002, pp. 101-123). Central to this understanding is social interaction.

Social Interaction

Social interaction is the method by which persons proceed and answer in relative to others. It is through communal interaction that we conceive our communal reality. All social interaction takes place within a social structure. Social interaction has two basic components which guide the interactions of individuals. Those components are status and role. Each member of a society occupies various different social positions at the same time (Argyle 2007, pp. 69-78). Status set is the period utilized to mention to all the statuses an individual retains at a granted time. For example, a person may occupy the social positions of wife, mother, college student, and employee all at the same time. At any given time, people also change social positions based on changes in their lives. They may leave one, such as leaving the social position of a college student, and add another, such as a college graduate when one earns a degree.

Ascribed status

It is a communal place an individual obtains at birth or takes on involuntarily subsequent in life (Sherif 2005, pp. 203-230). For example, gender and race got ascribed statuses that a person receives at birth, and senior citizen is an ascribed status that people involuntarily assume later in life.

Achieved status

It is a communal place an individual supposes voluntarily that reflects individual proficiency and effort (Miller 2011, pp. 10-21). For example, the previously mentioned statuses of the president and criminal achieved statuses. Both required effort and personal ability to achieve, and the behaviour required to earn these social positions got engaged in voluntarily.

Master Status

As one might imagine, in the real world, the status of each member of a society is a combination of one's ascribed characteristics and one's achievements, and each plays a part in defining the place that individual occupies within their particular society. Some statuses matter more than others. Master status is a position that a population delineates as having extraordinary value for public,personal identity, often profiling a person's every part of life (Macionis 2002, pp. 83-91). As an example, in some societies, the ascribed status of gender limits the opportunities women have in education and employment, thereby curtailing their influence in all other facets of their lives.


Role is the conduct looked frontwards to of a person who keeps an actual status. Someone holds a position and performs a role. For instance, keeping the position of educational school learner contributes with it the prospect that someone will appear at kinds, whole assignments, and commit time to ...
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