Sociological Context Of Indigenous Health

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Sociological context of indigenous health

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Sociological context of indigenous health


The aim of the paper is to highlight the social problems of the indigenous people of the Torres Strait Island. The paper discusses the facts regarding the basic social needs of the indigenous people such as housing, education as well as health care services. The paper discusses some crucial social determinants that have direct influence on the health of the indigenous people. In addition to it, the paper extricates the impact of the sharp concept of social stratification on the health as well as quality of life of the indigenous people. Further, the paper highlights how the government should play its crucial role for the betterment of the aboriginal people by providing them adequate housing facilities as well as better education structure and health care services.


The aim of the paper is to highlight the crucial issues of the native people of the remote area of Australia, Torres Strait Island in the context of sociology. Torres Strait Island is basically a part of Queensland that has culturally and genetically adopted values of the Melanesian people as well as Papua New Guinea. Torres Strait Islanders have some sociological issues that must be addressed appropriately by the government of Australia in order to enhance the quality of life of the people of the Torres Strait Island. The people of the Torres Strait Island have crucial social concerns in terms of health, education as well as other basic sociological needs (Bailie, R. S., & Wayte, K. J., 2006, pp. 178-183).

In addition to it, different researches and articles reveal that the government of Australia is responsible for taking some crucial and appropriate actions in order to cater the issues of the aboriginal people of Torres Strait Island. It is evidenced that the Australian Government needs to pay appropriate attention to the educational as well as health care system in order to solve the issues of the people of the Torres Strait Island regarding basic sociological needs. However, it should be noticed that the government has taken some crucial steps in order to meet the essential needs of the overall educational structure of the aboriginal people. These crucial steps embrace the government projects regarding the improvement in educational structure such as the project “Indigenous Voices: teaching us better”. The aim of the project is to promote the educational experiences of the aboriginal people. In addition to it, it is crucial for the government to play its role for the betterment of the health care structure of the indigenous people (Walter, M. M., & Saggers, S., 2007, pp 1).

Social dimension of Indigenous Health

In the context of sociology, the health needs can be defined as the social, cultural as well as environmental needs of the individuals for proper and adequate health care services in order to avail a healthy lifestyle. The World health Organization extricates the concept of health as the desired and adequate state of physical, mental ...
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