Society In Which I Live

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Society in which I live

Society in which I live


The term society is used interchangeably to refer to communities of animals and humans. The essential difference between the animal and human societies is, beyond its complexity, the presence of culture as a feature of all human society. Society in rural areas is completely different from the urban areas. The society of rural areas consists of traditional families and values. There is a concept of joint families in the society of rural areas. With all the traditional values there is also concept of doing so many activities such as sports, studies, shopping and other entertainments are also included. I belong from the middle class family who live in the rural area near a larger college town. I have grown up with traditional family and values.

Although often used interchangeably, culture and society are different concepts: society refers to the group of persons. Cultural diversity between different societies in the world due to cultural differentiation that humanity has experienced throughout history mainly due to territorial factors, ie, isolation and interaction between different societies. Society is the main thing through which a person can be represented. Society plays a very important role in your living and values. It is a society where there is peace and order where there are no wars, where there are no rich and poor, where all are equal, where there is no crime, aggression, envy. I wish that society, or rather the people who compose it were just a little kinder, more sympathetic, and selfless. That it was fair to the power of taking care of people.


It is necessary to respect the house rules that allow us to build a shared universe with people around us. These rules are built from a shared culture and vary from place to place ...
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