Society & Corporation

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Society & Corporation

Role of Corporation In The Society

The notion of society means primarily any group of individuals dependent on each other and acting according to common patterns. In this sense, it is possible to speak of animal societies. Yet most often, the term corporation means exclusively human groups characterized by their dynamism, their ability to change and evolve, to give new forms and new rules, to build institutions, etc. When dealing with society, it seems difficult not to involve the notion of the individual. The different types of companies seem to be characterized by the role played by the individual, through recognition he enjoys as being strange, by the consideration of its interests, etc (Carroll, 2006).

What is at issue is therefore the relationship of part to whole of society. It would thus, on one side of individualistic societies based on the utility, the benefit accruing to each individual's participation in community life, and on the other hand, companies can say that communitarians (provided jettison the term of all its negative connotations), in which the social bond is first, before the definition of those who are "tied", ie where the sight of the individual interest is subordinate to that of the property common. If one takes this to the point of view of theories of society, we will see a similar division (Davis, 2005).

Indeed, when the question of what constitutes a society, what are the conditions of existence and possible form, we can begin by considering its ultimate constituents, separate individuals, then consider how their association gives rise to the company.

But we can also consider that company as a whole including reducing its elements would lose what constitutes its own, a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. These two perspectives on society can be respectively described as individualism and holism. Finally, note that the fact that we found a similar split between the individual and society, both in the forms of society in the theories of society reminds us that there can be no complete independence between one and others (Carroll, 1998).

The debate on the role of corporations in society goes ahead. The Businesses face a growing range of civil society initiatives, the unions and governments, who claim that the private sector not only produces benefits, resources and employment, but also social improvement and even sometimes to provide public goods "noncommercial." These debates arise both nationally and internationally. Therefore, the key questions now are: What is the role of business in society? What one would expect companies in terms of objectives and social behavior? What is the role of CSR? Are there limits? What is the role of other actors?

Business in Society

Businesses, whether small, medium or large, domestic and international represent the community at work. Reflect the views of the social realities and the rules governing the communities in which they operate. The members of society who come together to form a company do so with a purpose specifically: to create goods and services to sell in their community - and even in ...
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