Social Workers

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Social workers

Social workers


The multiple effects with association of social elements in an environment, is represented with a frame work of “Social ecology model”. In social ecology, the interaction of people in a specified environment is studied. It is found, that environment is not the only variable which affects a person, and there are other certain elements as well (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). The integration of this model, allows analyzing the intensity of conflict communication, physical activities and health. Individual is not only influenced by its environment, there are some spheres of influence that affect the person. The three influencing levels are micro, macro and mezzo.


Macro workers social responsibilities

The main responsibility of macro social workers is to create awareness about the issue that is going on in the community. He has to plan, analyze the policy, coordinate, organize, manage and administer all the issues of the clients. He has to gain the support of the community and organization through his skills and capabilities. The social worker has to work with the community to resolve the problem (Jackie Riehle, 2010). It means that when the representative of social society will work with the society end result will be fruitful. It is the responsibility of the macro level worker to share all the information with society and clients. When the macro social individual fights for the community, he is not alone because he continuously gets support from the community. He learns from society and face new challenges every day.

It is the task of social worker to change big systems like organizations and communities. He has to encompass wide range of practices which includes development, controlling and planning of different issues. All the work of social is integrated with each other; he has to evaluate all the issues which exist in the market.

The macro level social practitioner receives issues from the clients. Once the issue is placed by the client, it is the responsibility of the practitioner to resolve the problem of the client. He has to develop a bunch of possible solutions to eliminate the issue of the client. Mezzo & micro social workers

The role of mezzo and micro social workers are alike, but the intensity of environment is different. They act as a mediator to resolve the social issues of the society and community. Micro social worker is associated with most common system, which refers to individuals' immediate environment (Jackie Riehle, 2010). Mezzo refers to generalize system, which constitutes the interaction between different micro systems. In micro level the intervention take place in organization, policies and communities. On the other side, in macro level the intervention take place between individual, small groups & domestic units.

The role and responsibility of micro and mezzo level workers, is to resolves the social issues of community and society. The workers remain neutral and offer possible solutions the client to resolve the issue. One example of this level is the resolution of child abuse cases from the society. One more example is based on resolving the divorce ...
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