Social Work

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Social Work

Social Work

Sanders and Pedersen (1984 p. IV) determined that social work "refers to the basic functions and special help services provided by social workers in their professional as members of the profession. Functions and specialized tasks that are part of the" social workers assist the efforts of goal-oriented and to address the challenges and changes. "Sanders and Pedersen finished off by saying that" There is a clear relationship, and it is useful to view social work as a profession of functioning in the context of a broad range of social welfare ".

Social work begins differently from humanitarian, religious and democratic ideals and philosophy and has universal application to meet human needs arising from various social interactions and human development. Professional social workers are dedicated to service to welfare and rights of self-realization, to the development and disciplined use of scientific knowledge regarding human and social behavior, the development of resources to meet individual, group, national and international needs and aspirations, and achieving social justice.

In the past, social work practice, known as the main occupation among human service professions, developed at about the same time as the occupation in the United States and United Kingdom. Therefore, people were familiar as it is practiced social work for over a century. Education Faculty of Social Work has already suffered more than seventy-five years. In addition to the effect of these two cultural groups, the development of the profession were also formed by the perspectives and needs of many other groups who have been or become, a part of society in Canada. Although for a long time these were not manipulated as noticeable or as observed, are different and present such views are gradually more shocking to the materialization of the profession. For example, there is an understanding that the installation of the first nation of the working classes, creative people in the State, with significant assistance in developing the growth of specialized and professional services in the country by creating their own history and culture.

Although progress in the organization of the profession is, as in most other developed countries, the content and theory, it has a distinctive approach to the history of the country and its people. Such differences are not separate from the profession of social work in other countries, but in the nature of specific versions of the information, services, practices, and talent to take steps ...
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