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Social Work

Social Work


The Social welfare scheme should be restructured to boost unmarried parents to reside simultaneously, as asserted by the Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection. In an unpublished report, it suggests the living lone parents' and “qualified adult” communal welfare payments should be restored by a lone parental share payable to all low-income parents. This is directed at eliminating deterrents to cohabitation and marriage.

In the last thirty years, there has been significant increase in single parent households in the US. According to the US Census Bureau, in 2002 about 20 million young kids dwelled in a house run by single mothers or lone fathers. This accounts for over twenty-five per hundred of all children in the joined States.

History of lone parents

The reason for one-parent family has changed from time to time. Historically, lone parent families resulted due to death of a spouse. Of late, one-parent families are mostly due to pre-marital births and divorces. From the 1960s through the 1990s, most lone parent households were the outcome of rapid boost in end marriage rate in the US. In the early 2002, about 28 per hundred of all children were dwelling with either lone mother or lone father. The most widespread kind of one-parent household is that of a single mother and her blood-related child. In 2002, roughly 23 percent of all young kids in the US were living with their biological mother. This group encompassed African-Americans, non-Hispanic Caucasians, Asian-Pacific Islander and Latinos.

According to communal researchers and professionals, the components attributed to modern-day single parent households in the US alterations in the humanity and culture. In supplement, there is a spectacular boost in ends marriage, boostd commitment of women in out-of-door occupations, weakened paid work opening for men and accessibility of government funded welfare advantage packages that permit a woman to be unaligned and convey up their children. Based on estimates, nearly half of all young kids in the US born in the last twosome of decades will spend a part of their lives with a lone mother or lone father due to end marriage, death or desertion.


Lone Parents Welfare Delivery

Lone parents as a discrete assembly inside the work market have conventionally been neglected as an aim for research. Gill and Davidson (2001,p. 383) note how “the need of vigilance paid to lone parents in relation to work is progressively at odds with the demographic.” The number of lone parents in the UK increased by aaround 50 per hundred all through the 1990s. According to numbers from the National Council for One Parent Families (NCOPF) there are actually round 1.7 million lone parents in the UK, which is the largest percentage of lone parents inside the EU (TUC, 2002). These lone parents have some 3.1 million children.

 Clearly, then, lone parents progressively comprise a significant part of humanity, yet, as has been documented, little study has been attempted to address their function in the work market. Indeed, the bulk of study undertook on lone parents has tended to be inside the communal ...
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