Social Work

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Social Work In Contemporary Society

[Institute's Name]Social Work In Contemporary Society


Tripping in one's own journey of thoughts, a naïve mind at times stops and ponders over the pivotal aspects of nature and mankind, and the diversity that nature has endorsed in mankind. But what the naïve mind actually stops to think and ponder about are not the ineluctable diversities that exist between mankind in numerous aspects, but to assimilate and infer the prime rationale that can possibly exist behind endorsing such diversities. Based on one's own cognitive and humanly judgments, the prime and chief rationale that is apprehensible and perceivable to a common mind is the fact that by employing this diversity between mankind, regarding various aspects, nature wants the people to be each other's guardians, caretakers and comforter, who would work together to fulfil the existing gaps and diversities and ease down or alleviate the pain which certain individuals endure, because of the diversifying factors. In fact, it will not be inaccurate to enunciate the fact with sheer eloquence that even in this modern and materialistic world, somehow the factor of humanity is still alive in people, where they tend to work together to help and assist those, who are not in a position or condition to help/ aid themselves.

Social Work

The formal terminology that has been attributed to the aspects of helping and aiding others, who are in need of the assistance, through a proper and formal channel is the social work. The basic and prime definition of social work denotes the aspects of amalgamation of numerous distinct and varying services that are of critical significance, and have been astutely and appropriately formulated to render utmost and sheer assistance to the ones who are in need of those services. Primarily, such services pertain to aged and the poor, as well as for the purpose of enhancing and augmenting the welfare of the children of the region. Interestingly, the aspect of social work goes beyond the facets of mere believes and actions based on one's conviction of helping and facilitating others.

As mentioned earlier that since it comprises of well defined and formulated set of activities; therefore, it can easily be assimilated that is an academic and professional discipline that endeavours and accentuates on improving and constantly enhancing the existence, well being and most importantly the quality of life of numerous individuals and group of people. However, such practice of rendering utmost assistance and welfare to the individuals takes place via astute and diligent research, through analysis of the situations and circumstances, coupled with the affairs and conditions of the region, as well as the legalities and laws pertaining to specific situations (Lewis, 2001, p. 343).

Moreover, these social work practices are propagated via the proper organization of the community, development of relevant policies, practical practices, and articulating the position and enunciating on behalf of those who are in distress and pressing living conditions, either deeply afflicted by the thorn of poverty, or have fallen pitiful prey ...
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