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Working With Loss, Dying And Bereavement In Social Work Practice

Working With Loss, Dying And Bereavement In Social Work Practice


Loss, are inevitable parts of life and no one can be escaped by it. Almost everyone have to face loss, dying and bereavement of their loved ones. In order to help such people in dealing with their loss and dying, the grief and mourning are the ways in order to show sympathy and to show that their pain of loss is also understandable by others. Loss and bereavements can either be the death of the beloved persons or the separation of the beloved ones, either family or friend, in a tragedy way. The other loss can be disability, or the unemployment, divorce, or unemployment. One more condition of loss and grief can be the separation of any family member or any friend or the separation from liked place or separation from the personal things or any activity that is too dearest to someone and one find enjoyment with it. It is natural phenomena that one finds it difficult to deal with the situation with which one is attached to it and the person feels that part and important element of self life. According to Sabar, S. (2000), if we look at the general definitions of the loss, dying and bereavement and grief we came to know that the word bereavement comes from the origin of word “robbed” which means that someone lost someone special or any special thing to whom that person was closely attached. The basic thing is the cause of absence of something. If anything special or any person is lost or missed in life either purposely or accidently, every other thing or person is thought to be the cause of missing.

It is also the natural phenomena that one strongly feels the depression, loneliness, sense of being deprived, sense of rejection and frustration and becomes mentally depressed if something is taken away from them. Sabar, S. (2000) says about grief that it is the state that lets someone down by implementing the heavy burden upon their mind. It is related to the subjective and individual experience of life. The author explains the term mourning as the state of calling one's memory and remembering someone with deep sorrow and with deep care. He calls that grief is related to the internal of individual part of mourning while mourning involves the feelings and depression of the losses that revolves around the person's memory and around its surroundings. It becomes difficult for the person to escape from its feelings of sorrows when in the stage of mourning, the people around the person recognizes the loss of the person, or any family member, or even the loss culture, trend of a particular community.

Loss and grief are the most common and special part of the social communities and of the social work. One who face the loss, major change that is for the permanent basis or faces the dying of someone special ...
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