Social Values

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Social Values

Social Values


Social values are the cornerstone of our families, but also of our communities. Values determine what we believe about money, free time, work, friends, clothes, politics, family, spirituality and more. Values drive our actions and add meaning to our lives. As an individual, it is our responsibility to teach our children about values and to be solid role models. While the children learn values from adults, they also learn about them from friends, teachers, mentors and the world around them (Brueggemann, 2009). As parents, one of our essential roles is to give children the tools to identify their own values and to give them confidence in their ability to know right from wrong.

In order to understand the collaboration that prevails between cultures on an international level between two or more countries, it is necessary to understand what kind of culture does a country have or has adopted over the period of time. Culture is defined a set of customs, norms, traditions and ceremonies that have been practiced unanimously by the public and the people of the country and that have been passed on from generation to generation. The beliefs, vision, objectives and business approaches and practices underpinning an individual towards the developmentof society may be compatible with its culture or they may not. When they are, the culture becomes a valuable ally in strategy implementation and execution. When the culture, conversely, pertains to contradict some aspect of the company's direction, performance targets, operations or strategy, the culture, undoubtedly, becomes a stumbling block that implies successful strategy implementation and execution (Brueggemann, 2009).


Living a values-based life is equivalent to living a heart-centered life. When we understand how our values inform our decisions and influence our choices, we can help our children to see the world in new ways. Understanding and discussing our values and respecting the values of others allows us to model a heart-centered approach to relationships and communication that will improve our family connections across time. Values provide a strong foundation for our children so they feel prepared and secure to make big decisions at life-changing moments. Max Weber is considered the founder of sociology understanding, that is to say, a sociological approach that makes sense subjective pipes actors the basis of social action. His work is dominated by research on rationality and, more specifically, the process of rationalization. He seems, indeed, that the West is marked by the extension of a particular type of rationality-rationality purpose to all social actions (John, 2003). What he calls the rationalization of practical action in the world seems to be the specificity and the Western modern - a process marked in particular by the birth and development of the capitalism and bureaucracy. He also worked on many objects, often linked to its reflection on the rationality, as the domination, the State, the right , the music etc.

However, the most important part of his work consists of a sociologist sociology of religion: he believed, indeed, that religions have made ...
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