Social Support Systems And Environment Choice: Lifestyle And Life care Decisions For Aging Individuals

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Social Support Systems and Environment Choice: Lifestyle and Life

Care Decisions for Aging Individuals

Social Support Systems and Environment Choice: Lifestyle and Life

Care Decisions for Aging Individuals


“Supportive environments, both physical and social, are not only key determinants of health but also essential conditions for healthy ageing” (Amy, 2001, p.1). Therefore, environment choice and social support systems are very effective and important for the better lifestyle and life care decisions. To assist and provide better quality of care services; health care providers, individuals and family members need to pay attention to various factors and variable, in order to bring improvements in the quality of services and to make better environment choice. There are various community based programs and government interventions to assist and guide these individuals, family members, and care providers to make better environmental choices for the care services. This also provides an opportunity to the aging population and assists them to make better decision for them. This emphasizes on the need of understanding better environmental choices for the elderly or for other individuals. These environmental choices are based on various essential variables, which affect the environmental choices.


Affect of Social Support System and Importance of Proper Environment Choice for Aging

Social support systems are very effective part for the life of any individual, this assists and provide support for the emotional, social, physical, and psychological needs. These social support systems consist of family, friends, co workers and other individuals such as care providers, social workers, etc. Social support systems are very effective to provide a safe and trust worthy environment in which an individual can share his or her views or opinions, worries and can seek for help and guidance. Social support systems are very essential for the aging population to encourage them to live happily and to motivate for better health choices. This is the reason that these social support systems are very effective in making environmental choices, and decisions regarding health and social care services.

Family, friends, acquaintances and health care providers have very effective role in making options through their opinions, knowledge and experiences. According to Johns Hopkins Center to Eliminate Cardiovascular Health Disparities, Social support have very effective role during crisis, sickness, isolation, grief, stress and even in following physician's recommendations ( Their love, care, and attention affect the options and quality of care. One major affects is that these social support systems are very effective in making decisions for the proper environment choice. This requires proper guidance to make right decisions for the lifestyle and life care decisions by aging population or their family, friends or other social support systems. For these reasons it is very essential to provide positive and age friendly environment for the elderly to provide them better quality services and lifestyle.

Variables That Affect Environment Options

Aging individuals, families or caregivers need to choose these variables as guidelines for better health, lifestyle and life care decisions. There are different variables related with the public health care system and environment choice for the elderly ...