Social Structure And Stratification

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Social Structure and Stratification

Social Structure and Stratification

Answer # 1

A primary group of sociology is basically small social group in which members mostly share personal, close and enduring relations. It plays an important role in the progress of person his or her own identity. It allows the member to change its implied items like love, animosity, caring, concern and such. Primary group always form long lasting relationship and objectives in themselves. They are psychological in nature tackling to the individuals involved and give a source of shore up and encouragement. Examples of primary groups are friends, neighbors, families, peers, neighbors, sororities, fraternities, v and cathedral members. These groups are manifested by primary relationships in which communication is casual and they also carve up to one another as entire and exclusive folks.

On the other hand, secondary groups are those groups in which an individual does not intermingle much. Mostly secondary's groups members are less personal or arousing than those of primary groups. The communication in secondary group is formal. Secondary group's members don't know each other and don't have face to face communication. They interact with other only in particular roles and for practical reasons. They always have temporary relationship. Are formed to perform functions and their roles are more interchangeable. They totally based on activities and interest.

The example of secondary group relationship is that of an agent and their clients. The agents interacts them only in business terms and issues. They don't socialize or hug them each others. They are where several people can convene close friends or group they would just call associates. Secondary groups are groups in which one exchanges explicit commodity, such as services for payments, labor for wages, and such. Examples of these would be employment, vendor-to-client relationships (Rose, 1958).

Social status and social class is distinct by a relation to the way of production, but this cannot tell us that how classes are constituted as classes nor , nor how the intricate status hierarchies of entrepreneurial civilization are expressed and internalized by folks or how other method of status subordination are incorporated within a class method of authority. Ownership of larger or smaller title to means of production (“economic capital”) in fact not succeeds to clarify very much about the dynamics of bourgeois culture on its own.

Answer # 2

Primary and secondary groups have been involved with social networking theory and it has broad viewed on these groups. Groups are the individual actors and they have tied between these two groups. It is the simplest form of social network that it is the map of all the related ties between these groups and being studied. Social network can be defined the social capital of individual actors.

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