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A Variety of Factors May Lead to Poor Health and Unequal Access to Care and Treatment for Ethnic Minorities in the UK

A Variety of Factors May Lead to Poor Health and Unequal Access to Care and Treatment for Ethnic Minorities in the UK


Ethnic and racial minorities in the UK still attain an inferior standard of treatment and healthcare as compared to non-minorities, even when access oriented aspects, like income and insurance status of patients are restricted. The causes of these inequalities are intricate, are ingrained in historic and modern disparities, and engage a number of respondents at various levels, entailing health networks, their management and technical procedure, operation executives, patients, and healthcare professionals (Brian,, 2003).

This paper examines the study evidence on a variety of factors that lead to poor health and unequal access to care and treatment for ethnic minorities in the UK. It also discusses some strategies and techniques to enhance access to healthcare and treatment services ethnic minority population in the UK. Aims and objectives of this paper include:

Disparities in health status,

Disparities in access to social or health care, and

Disparities in determinants of health


Aspinall & Jacobson (2004, n.d.) affirm that ethnic disparities in health care and health have been the spot light of adequate consideration. The examination of ethnic biases in health and medicinal services represents various uncommon challenges. The dispersion of ethnic assemblies in the populace is greatly skewed, the white aggregation including 92.1% of the UK populace in the 2001 Census. Minority ethnic aggregations shape just a modest extent of the populace in general outside the principle metropolitan wards, along these lines are inadequately spoken to in numerous government social studies (an issue overcome by upgraded testing or reviews explicitly tending to the minority ethnic populace). Besides, the inconsistent necessities and nature of ethnicity information in ethnic checking and official information accumulations has customarily been poor, with abnormal amounts of fragmentation - particularly inside NHS (National Health Service) information. Merely lately has this enhanced in a couple of key data sets (particularly Hospital Episode Statistics) to a level where it can now be utilized as a part of expository studies. These issues of poor information quality have been tended to or overcome by various systems, incorporating the pooling of information, information ascription, record linkage, and investigative methods, for example the utilization of relative mortality/admission degrees and the appointing of ethnic aggregation utilizing name acknowledgment algorithms.

Factors Affect Ethnic Minority's Access to Healthcare

Researchers provide explanations related to ethnic minority's access to healthcare in two major categories. The 01st category is related to personal or intrinsic factors; these entail the specific requirements of ethnic minority individuals that should be fulfilled as an element guaranteeing reasonable access. The 02nd category is linked to organizational or extrinsic aspects; these emphasize on the healthcare institution and its services, planning systems, and delivery.

Personal or Intrinsic Factors

Culture Disparities

Cultural disparity is considered as a main illustration of inequalities in the course of accessing health care services through ethnic ...
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