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Social Sciences - Sociology

The integration of Chinese American families, how they have overcome cultural changes both within and outside the family unit, misconceptions and prejudices to adapt to a life in the United States

[Name of student]


A background of immigration in the United States3

Americans of Chinese origin4

Demographics of the Chinese People6

Social and Economic Trends7


Attitude towards Life and Cultural Belief9

Influence of Chinese American families on American culture9

Chinese American Education Practice10

Traditional Chinese family structure11

Problems usually faced by Chinese American families12

Religious Belief of Chinese American Families12




Integration of the Community into the USA Culture13

Gathering of the Feedback14

Engaging the Stakeholders of the Community14

Integration of the Cultural Competency15

Using Language That Is Appropriate15

Building and Maintaining Trust16


The integration of Chinese American families, how they have overcome cultural changes both within and outside the family unit, misconceptions and prejudices to adapt to a life in the United States


Asian American are one of the more talked about ethnic groups in USA. There are many challenges that are being faced by them, and despite all these challenges, they are the fastest growing ethnic populace in USA. Asian American have gained importance when one talks about the way things are about to be administered and run in America (Sue, & Sue, 1971 pp. 36 - 49). There are 1.5 million businesses of Chinese descent in USA and recently they have gained some political importance as well. They actively take part in the political process and more than half of the Asian American populace voted in General Elections (Tsai, Ying, & Lee, 2000, pp. 302 - 332).

When one talk about the integration of Asians in America, while Indians and to a certain extent Pakistani's have done rather well, Chinese Americans are still not able to get the same level of acceptance from the USA. Despite the fact that number of Chinese people is increasing at an alarming rate, but they are definite struggling as far as their integration is concerned.

After the global economic crisis of 2008, the situation has turned out rather worst. The economic opportunities for them are declining at an alarming rate. There are many problems that are being faced by the people who belong to Chinese descent (Sue, & Sue, 1971 pp. 36 - 49). They are struggling for their cultural identity as well as the fact that they are not that well versed in the English is not helping the matter. In United States, Chinese families have survived quite fabulously, despite of immense cultural differences. The reformation of Chinese family structures, their priorities and the major norms have proved all the misconceptions related to the US societies false (Chiu, 1987 pp. 409 - 419).

A background of immigration in the United States

United States is one of the leading countries in the world attracting immigrants. Recently the country has been receiving a large number of immigrants, one of the largest in history. The migration has led the nation to a structural transformation, population and social large proportion. To get a sense of what is happening in the United States, ...
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