Social Sciences - Political Science

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Health and Social Policy

Health and Social Policy

This paper responds to four different questions. The first question deals with social administrative tradition in relation to “Fabian” mindset, which is the diverse state and has developed in British history within the welfare system. The second question involves liberal welfarism that related to poor law in the UK. The third question explains how social policy-making takes place, how laws are passed in the House of Parliament and discuss about selective committees. The last question discusses about the New Right's critique of the welfare state.

Answer to Question # 01

Social administration or social policy appeared from politics of state intervention and collectivism to deal with societal concerns and issues at commencement of 20th century, fundamentally the Fabians, Socialists, and the Liberals. Thus, actions of social policy (SP) that influence the society and includes:

Health and social group of pupils,

Housing policy,

Health and unemployment,

Societal crisis that entail societal deprivation and poverty,

Education policy and welfare provision

In this context, “George Bernard Shaw” revealed the trouble-free mindset of the semi-secret “Fabian Socialist Society.” He was the one, belonged to this society. Shaw explained the objective of “Biblical Lucifer”. According to him, in a socialist society, people are not permitted to be poor. People are compulsorily clothed, fed, taught, lodged, and employed whether they prefer it or not. If it was explored that people had not industry and character adequate to be value this entire problem, individuals might likely be affected in a humanely approach, however while people were allowed to live, people would have to live healthy (Knapp, n.d.).

In the British tradition, social policy has differentiated from a number of other social science themes, which are not only to comprehend the world, however, also to modify it. This is in relation as the former scholastic progression of social policy in the UK was directly and strongly united with the political development of Fabianism.

Awareness in social administration started to progress at an instance when policy of state towards the wellbeing of residents was experiencing a far-reaching amendment and Fabian politics were looking for both to comprehend and persuade this (n.d., pp. 3,

Answer to Question # 02

A new poor law was commenced in 1834. A number of individuals accepted it as they supposed the following motives in favour of the new poor law:

Minimise the price of taking care of deprived people,

Put beggars off the road,

Foster deprived individuals support them and work hard

“The new poor law” made sure that the poor people were dwell in workhouses. The people were fed and clothed. Kids who lived in workhouses received schooling and education. As a result of this support from “the new poor law”, all paupers in workhouse were enforced to work certain hours on everyday basis. Nevertheless, not all people shared this standpoint. A number of individuals also uttered in opposition to “the new poor law.” They called the workhouses “prisons for the poor.” The deprived people feared and heated the menace of the workhouse and thus there were disturbance ...
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