Social Sciences-Political Science

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Social Sciences-Political Science

Social Sciences-Political Science


US State's counterterrorism Bureau monitors the activities of all the terrorist organizations around the world. It does so for identifying their potential terrorist targets. In order to review the targets, the state department looks deeply into the terrorist attacks carried out and the preparation and planning being conducted for any future attacks, (Bureau of Counterterrorism,2012). It also carries out surveillance to keep up to date regarding any latest developments undergone by the terrorist groups for ensuring whether these groups have a capacity for launching an attack in the near future, or not. On confirmation of a target as a terrorist organization, the state department makes an administrative record in detailed form. This form contains information which is both, classified and overt.


Part 1

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is one of the many organizations that have been identified as active terrorist groups, in the world. TTP, also known as the Pakistani Taliban, serves as a platform for all the small Islamic militant groups in the region of Afghanistan and Pakistan's FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas). In the December of 2007, thirteen militant groups united under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud and formed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. The objectives of TTP are very brutal in nature. TTP has declared a war against the Pakistani state, have united against the NATO forces in Afghanistan and are enforcing their interpretation of the Islamic law. TTP fights under the banner of Islam. This organization believes that it is fighting a holy war, 'Jihad' against the enemies of Islam. In this way, TTP is similar to the Afghan Taliban. However, both are different in many ways.

The roots of TTP began in the early 2002. It was during the time when a military operation was conducted in the tribal regions of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, for fighting the militants who flee from the Afghan war. TTP announced its official existence in 2007 under the strong influence of Baitullah Mehsud. Eight months after the announcement, the government of the Islamic republic of Pakistan imposed a ban on this organization. TTP was barred from appearing on the media and their assets and bank accounts were frozen. Further, the government placed a heavy price on the head of the prominent TTP leaders.

TTP is well trained, funded and organized group of fighters who use guerilla warfare to combat their rivals. Mostly TTP trains it's fighters to blow up the targets ...
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