Social Sciences

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Social Sciences

Social Sciences


The concept of social identity developed in social psychology shows how to build the image we have of ourselves according to the social contexts in which we live and social learning in which we are involved (Calhoun, 1994). Identity is therefore a dimension of social relationship that is actualized in self-representation, as part of our identity, the social is something other than reality outside us, it is the tissue that feeds our desires and values and constructed an image of ourselves refer to as personal identity or self. This is a psychological process of representation is reflected in the sense of being as being singular and being recognized as such by others, it leads to self-esteem and self-awareness. The concept of identity in social psychology and refers to the joint between the personality of the individual and the idea he has of himself, and all the factors in the social context in which it is registered, act on it. Social identity is the point where the focus within the social and psychological components of affective cognitive structure of personality that gives rise to a kind of self-representation and interaction with the social world that surrounds depending on the image that everyone in fact.


Society is composed of large-scale social categories (race, gender, religion, class, occupation, etc.) consisting of, these areas of power, status, prestige aspects related to each other. One (or more) groups have dominated the actual power to preach it to society, society groups as well as the interpretation of the relationship between them, that is, they impose a dominant value systems and ideologies. They carefully construct this value systems and ideologies, the purpose is conducive to the interests of dominant groups themselves while the status quo legitimize and make it persist (Abrams, 1990). Individual human being born in a certain social structure which, as a place of birth, color, family background, and so different physiological functions, they fall into certain areas rather than some other areas. They internalized the dominant values agree with these outside designated areas; result they got some unique social identity, they agree that they will affect them positively or negatively to obtain evaluative self-perception.

Some commentators have suggested that the embrace of “identity politics” has gone too far and that we are now in a putative post identity moment. In the academics, this argument has been articulated from two divergent positions. The first derides identity politics as a move away from materialist concerns. The second, more conservative, position argues that identity politics is at fault for being over political, for reading politics into every aspect of knowledge production. I argue that identity is in fact a necessary, although not sufficient, precondition for any effective oppositional politics. I further suggest that these arguments are themselves evidence of the articulation of (white, male, and heterosexual) institutional power within the academic field of sociology. As an alternative, I argue for the renewal of a critical public sport sociology that draws upon and extends the cultural studies tradition of ...
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