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Feminism and Resistance in Zimbabwe

Feminism and Resistance in Zimbabwe


Colonial rule has been of rising significance within the context of Zimbabwean economy. Men in Zimbabwe had struggled to a high extent in imposing the freedom of the citizens against the backdrop of social, political and religious colonial pressure. On the other hand, the Zimbabwean females get ridiculed and discriminated against because of their gender. Gender bias has been one of the most prominent and controversial issue within the Zimbabwean situation. Women get increasingly pressurized by the social intricacies and the decade old traditions, in addition to bearing the pressures, of having to deal with men (De Mul, 2009).

Although the literary aspect in the context of Zimbabwe seems to be having true potential, the aggressive tactics employed by men have significantly influenced the efforts of women to resist the aggressive notions of men. The females within Zimbabwe are termed as being highly talented but have not been able to express their true potential. This is because of the different types of pressures exerted by the male community. Day by day it has become quite difficult for the females to survive and thus it is their level of resistance (Murray, 2009).

Throughout the course of this paper, we would look to study the role of feminism with the view of resistance in the context of the Zimbabwean situation. In addition, we would also look to assess the intricacies explained in the novel “Nervous Conditions” as they try to portray the significant pressures women have to deal with while in the course of their daily lives. It is also necessary to look at the actions of men in order to shape a better understanding of the brutalities and pressures exerted by them on women.


The view of feminism must be related with the level of resistance and thus we would have to delve deep into the surroundings faced by Zimbabwean women. The colonial rule has significantly influenced women's efforts to achieve independence and thus they must act quickly to free themselves from the colonial rule. Colonial rule is quite prominent in the case of Zimbabwe as even before its inception, colonial rule was present in huge entirety. The point to be noted within this context is that not only the colonial rule must be tackled but also the outdated traditions must also be done away with.

Thus, it is the primary responsibility of women to tackle these two factors as they would affect the independence of women a great deal not only in the present but also in the future, as well. The cultural history of Zimbabwe points to several patriarchal traditions that have significantly impacted the lives of Zimbabwean women.

As a result, the Zimbabwean women are continuously struggling to cope with the influences of colonial rule as well as outdated traditions. It is essential for African women to liberate themselves from the outdated traditions, and colonial rule, in order to, carve out an independent and modern image ...
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