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Organizing, managing and leading work with children and young people

Organizing, Managing and Leading Work with Children and Young People


A society is a combination of fortunate and unfortunate individuals when it comes to necessities such as good, shelter, education, clothing, jobs, and so forth. Hence, this is the responsibility of the fortunate individuals to give back to the society and contribute towards the welfare, benefit, and prosperity of the overall society (Berger, 2003, pp. 15-39). Charity programs and Organizations work on the same principles. These are perhaps the more organized, systematic and efficient means of aiding the needy.

Description of an Organization

There are number of organizations and agencies in UK that work independently or in collaboration with other bodies for channelizing the youth force in a useful way and Salvation army is one of those organization(Ford et al 2004, pp. 55-58). The structure of Salvation Army is of quasi military and is known as the largest international charitable organization with a worldwide membership of above 1.5 million including officers, soldiers and adherents (Harrison et al, 2007, pp. 67-71). The organization primary objective is to bring salvation and peace in the lives of destitute and poor people by providing them with their basic physical and spiritual needs.

Salvation Army is providing shelters for homeless, running charity shops, providing humanitarian aid and disaster relief in across 126 countries of the globe. On the other hand, organization understands the value and importance of youth in a nation economic and social development and has admitted the urgent need of growing, developing and prospering youth in every aspect of life(Ingram & Harris, 2001, pp. 91-96). Hence, Salvation has introduced several programs like (technical educational programs, health training programs, providing basic education facilities, providing jobs within the organization, and others) with intention of improving the lifestyle, health, education and other necessities of life for the young (Irvine, 2002, pp. 1-36). In addition to these, Salvation Army has encouraged young people to participate in welfare programs that are initiated in various countries on continual bases.

The Salvation Army recognizes and includes the contribution of multiple youth groups including (Scouts, Guide packs, and Sunday schools). Moreover, in this new millennium, Salvation Army in United Kingdom has established a sub-brand for the youth, commonly known as “Alove”, which intent to liberalize the youth that are working in church by providing them the opportunity of participating in normal educational programs, jobs opportunities, and others (Jayne & Dipboye, 2004, pp. 409-424). This is so that they are able to express themselves, their faith and their cultural and traditional identities and preferences in their own particular ways (Levesque, 2005, pp. 301-317). The mission statement of “ALOVE” is to call, aware, motivate and mobilize the new generation to radical lifestyle, dynamic faith, adventurous mission and most importantly the fight for justice, whereas, its vision is “to form a , loving society of people enthusiastically breathing God's mission in this broken world”. The organization emphasizes upon worship, missions, discipleship, and social ...
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