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Social Sciences

Humans have evolved to be fundamentally distinct from other animals

An example of human distinctiveness

The key distinctive feature of human is language. The man is such only through the will and understanding, by which is distinguished from the animals. Even animals communicate through their individual sounds and its variations, but human use of language includes various feelings and intuitions. The language as human distinct feature is based on academic disciplines. Human is a social animal and therefore is in a continuous interaction with the world is a must.

In the tries of teaching human language to animals is not yet fully successful. Apes have been practiced on and a few apes have learnt a few words when taught. Human language includes recognition of words, forming sentences, understanding various stories and conversation and pragmatics.

Notes on how the example demonstrates human distinctiveness

The first difference is the presence of a developed language and speech. Also, people can not only use what is given to him by nature, but also the tools to reinvent and transform the reality around him. Man differs from the animal's ability to construct logical chains, complex cognitive algorithms. That is why this article is writing a person, not a dolphin. Abstract thinking is exclusively human prerogative. The distinctive features of a person are the lack of extensive scalp, but in cats, sphinx, he is also absent. Bipedalism is another hallmark of human and animal. However, some animals such as giraffes also move right.

Some animals seem to possess prudence and cunning, be capable of giving love in couples, friendship and even charity, probity and benevolence. In a word: a morality similar to that of humans. For example, dogs, due to their innate genius are they know how faithful guards act as if they belonged to his own nature. Thanks to the perception of the affection of his master know, as it were, his will. We seek to perceive the smell of their feet and clothing. They know the different places and know to look the way home, even through forests, thick and pathless regions. The sensual man finds that the dog has knowledge, intelligence and wisdom.

Animal behavior or living beings is the set of responses that have animals against internal and external stimuli they receive from the environment around them. Each species has a type of behavior which is peculiar, but there are forms of behavior common to many species of animals. The behaviors of living things can be classified into three groups, although virtually all animal responses have some inherited or innate, some learned, and some acquired or adaptive.

Innate behavior: the fabric of the web. Learned behavior is the lion passing through a ring of fire at the circus. Adaptive behavior: the coypu nothing swims through membranes of their hind legs. Although each animal inherits from its parents characteristics, all of which are of the same type have similar characters, so they resemble each other all the spiders, all canaries, all rabbits, all human beings, ...
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