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Health and Social Sciences

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Health and Social Sciences


We live in a world globally immoral, where social justice is a real fiction. The poor are getting poorer and the rich richer. In developing countries, despite the expression is less painful than the "underdeveloped countries", does not seem to coincide with reality - enrich rulers, rogue traders and industrialists, as well as other criminals who take advantage of the connivance of the authorities. Rampant corrupt and thieves "white collar", as the people slowly dying malnourished by the food shortages and the most basic health care. The "development" takes a minority of politicians and powerful, these pigs in wintering period (Mudege, & Ezeh, 2009, pp.245-257).

Poverty is hunger. Poverty is watching the children and those we love die of hunger or as a result of chronic malnutrition states.

Poverty is not having a roof we shelter or a shelter without conditions where everything can go; it is the cold rain, whether the pain is a disease. Poverty is a disease and not be able to go to the doctor (Lutge, & Friedman, 2010). Poverty is not being able to afford the drugs. Poverty is watching the slow death of the children in suffering for lack of medical care. Poverty is not having a job and living subsidies little. Poverty is afraid of losing what little you have nothing to fear and stay. Poverty is not going to school or to work because neither possession has to buy books. Poverty is to be illiterate. Poverty is the inability of those who suffer, physically or psychologically, to react to adverse conditions that plague. Poverty is the lack of freedom and self-determination (Heath, Hains, & De Villiers, 2011).

In fact, apart from a real poverty, that everyone sees, there is another, and painful, who is ashamed of herself. This, with which we live every day, it saddens us. And should sadden all those who live with it and do no more than look at the navel. According to the World Bank, is poor in extreme conditions, everyone who lives on less than a dollar a day. It is poor, moderately, that lives more than a dollar and less than 2. According to recent studies, one billion and 100 million souls live on less than $ 1 and 2 billion and 700 million, with less than 2 and more than $ 1. Poverty is a harsh reality. So hard, that at its extremes kills without mercy, without compassion, without any attitude of those who lavish food and other goods (Heidarnia, Ghaemian, Montazeri, & Abadi, 2013).

Poverty and hunger

On 17th October, World Day for the Eradication of Poverty, millions of voices reminded world leaders that every day 50,000 people die of extreme poverty and the gap between rich and poor is increasing. The association between poverty and health is well known. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers poverty as a complex phenomenon and multi-dimensional which depends not only on income but also on variables such as limited access ...
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