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Social Science

Young People Community Development

Young People Community Development


This paper is designed to contain the recommendation and findings from the research undertaken in the Shiregreen, Sheffield England by young people. The goal of the project is to understand the needs and issues of young people in the area and offer a voice to the young people in their community. CHILYPEP “The Children and Young Peoples Empowerment Project” is aimed to support young people for carrying out research in Shiregreen.

Empowerment Program for Shiregreen

In the year of 2005, CHILYPEP with Community North Forum under the partnership organised an event at the Clock Tower, where the matters of young people were discussed. Local organisations, community group and decision makers were invited in this event and to look for the tools of engaging young people within the community. CHILYPEP selected a young group of people for becoming researchers from the local schools throughout the sphere. This young group decided to make questionnaires regarding particular issues that will be of the importance and interest to the people of Shiregreen. The selected topics were; Crime and Community Safety, Environment, Housing and Homes, Leisure and Transport, Sex and Drugs, Health and Well-being, Education and Work, Money and You and Your Community.


The results of the questionnaires reflected that around 362 young people took active part in this entire research program. Rest 54 percent were female, and 45 percent male did not answer on it. Moreover, 6 percent showed that they had some disability and 64 percent said they look after other. On the other hand, 71 percent young people were identified as heterosexual and 1 percent confessed that they are gay, and 13 percent of young people did not prefer to respond the question.

Problems faced by Young People

Alcohol and drug addiction are considered as the key issue for Young people in the society of Shiregreen. These young people do not find any place to being escaped or being stereotyped. Moreover, other replies were adding violence, bullying, vandalism, burglary and racism. In the matter of good understanding with Police in Shiregreen, majority of young people admitted that they had not treated them fairly. There were many reasons that those young people described below:

Arrested for nothing

They are all treated the same

Don't understand Young People

Police are not there fairly treated them

No such respect

UK Background of Young People and Community Role

According to NEET, around 11 percent of 16 to 18 years old people in England were not interested in education, training and employment. It has been found that UK is a 27th out of 30 OECD “Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development” countries, who participates in education at the very age of 17 years (Bailey, 2006, p 2). However, many of the young people might be deprived and socially excluded (Rogers, 2006, p 34). Moreover, this social exclusion is connected with teenage drug addiction, pregnancy and criminality. Importantly, it might be the hints of growing up in a deprived community and could also reproduce this ...
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