Social Research Methods

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Social Research Methods

Social Research Methods


Sociological research has traditionally polemics surrounding the choice of quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative methods allow more accurate measurements, while qualitative methods allow a more direct examination of the motivations, attitudes and behaviors of individuals. Currently both methods, regardless of the different paradigms and positions have been considered compatible and valid on sociological problems. Each of the methods presented below has its advantages and disadvantages (Chism, 2008). Sociologists often combine two or more methods in their work, and each of them is used to contrast the material that is obtained with the other or to complete it.

Qualitative & Quantitative Methods

Research methods that are qualitative in nature deductively test the theory from the obtainable literature, by developing proposed outcomes and hypothesized relationships for the research, there are certain hunches, ideas, or perspectives concerning the investigated subject that guide the qualitative (Coll & Chapman, 2000, 91). The qualitative method of research varies from the quantitative methods, because it inductively develops the theory. There is no unambiguous purpose for quantifying or counting the discoveries that are as an alternative explained within the language used in the process of the research.

The qualitative research method is employed as a tool for researching the experiential world from the subject's perspectives and not from the perspective of the person researching. On this aspect, various scholars have expanded and describe the qualitative method of research as a systematic inquiry mode related to the comprehension of the humans and the temperament of the interactions that are done by the humans and in the company of the comprehensions (Charoenruk, 2012).

The qualitative method of research's aims is describing definite perspectives of an observable fact, in the midst of a view for describing the study's subject. The research method itself is even explained as idealistic and humanistic approach, or as a phenomenology, having its foundations lying within the disciplines of psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and history. Such ancient origin that is not from the domain of physical science is referred to as a biggest weakness of the qualitative research method (Charoenruk, 2012).

In the qualitative approach sincerely observes the behaviour of the human and is capable of influencing the effects of appropriate variables. Within this method, it is a combination of interpretive actions that is not easy to visibly describe. The researchers utilize a number of theoretical paradigms that claim the usage of qualitative research strategies and methods since it is relevant across a number of disciplines. As a result, it involves the collection of the data instrument which is sensitive towards the underlying meaning while interpreting and gathering data (Gelo & Benetka, 2008).

Individuals are accurately suited for this activity because in order to perform the qualitative research adequately through analysis of behaviour, observations and interviews they are capable of providing details and insights for the research task including the performed tasks of interview and audio taping. The qualitative research primarily takes place within the setting where participants is well-known and entails an attempt for adding ...
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