Social Rejection

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Social Rejection

Social Rejection


Social rejection is faced by any individual when he is excluded from social situations. This rejection can be made by group of people or any individual, and it can be both active and passive in nature. But in all cases, rejection hurts and it is painful for the sufferer. Rejection leads to a number of negative psychological effects such as stress, depression, withdrawal or aggression. For a highly sensitive individual, this rejection can be much destructive that it may cause mental illness. Rejection can be of different forms such as rejection at a job, peer social exclusion at school or work place, parental rejection, religious shunning and rejection by a romantic partner (Butler, Doherty, and Potter, 2007).


Due to the essential need of social interaction between human as a social nature of human beings, rejection seems to be emotionally painful. A fundamental part of human motivation is the need for belongingness and love. To remain psychologically healthy, all human beings including introverts essentially require being capable to accept and receive love and affection (Butler, Doherty, and Potter, 2007).

It is believed by the psychologists that a social interaction or a simple contact is not enough to fulfill the demand rather than people possess a strong motivational force to develop as well as to maintain caring interpersonal relationships. Both satisfying interactions and stable relationships are needed by the people. If any one factor is missing, then people start feeling unhappy and lonely. Rejection is considered as a crucial threat that eliminates peace, happiness and satisfaction from a person's life and brings depression and anxiety to him. It has been observed that most of the human activities that show concerns about depression and anxiety are dependent of social rejection (Butler, Doherty, and Potter, 2007). In this respect, socio-meter can be considered as a measuring instrument that is activated with the appearance of exclusion indications (Butler, Doherty, and Potter, 2007).

Reasons of Social Rejection

There are several reasons for social rejection but they are mainly classified into four groups:

Individuals Who Are Not Favorable for the Group's Goals

For the success of a group and achievement of its objective, it is necessarily required for all group members to focus on the group's common goal. It is very important for every individual to think and work for the group's favor.

Inability to Share

Those people who are very self obsessed and they only care for themselves and are least bothered for others creat difficulties for themselves as nobody like such people. Man is a social animal and he needs to socialize with others. He must share his ideas with his family members, colleagues and friends otherwise he is socially rejected and ultimately gets isolated.

Inability to Listen

On must be attentive enough to listen to understand ideas of others. He must offer chances others to speak and share their concepts. If a person is unable to listen to others then nobody would appraise him and he would be socially rejected (Twenge, Catanese, Baumeister, 2002).


Individuals who are short tempered and ...
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